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Reform university of Córdoba
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Student movement
Latin America.

How to Cite

AGUIAR, Jórissa Danilla Nascimento; ROJAS, Gonzalo Ádrian. Reform university of Córdoba: impacts in Latin America and lessons for the present time. Revista Internacional de Educação Superior, Campinas, SP, v. 5, p. e019029, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/riesup.v5i0.8653663. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


Celebrating the centennial of the University Reform that took place in Cordoba, Argentina, in 2018, we bring to the debate the importance of studying this experience of rebellion against the university hierarchy, while also highlighting its relevance, especially with regard to the need for democratization of the university and its connection to the working class and popular sectors. We aim to contribute to this experience being known by the vast majority of students in Brazil, also indicating its relevance to (re) construct a new student movement in na emancipatory perspective. For this, we carried out a historical-bibliographic review of what it proposed and what the reform meant in terms of autonomy and democratization, and which marked the birth of a new Latin American generation, causing subsequent agitation in other countries of the subcontinent. We emphasize that this experience evidences the active role of the student movement as a social actor in promoting social changes guided by an orientation inherent in the class struggle and in the concreteness of constructing a project that envisages a new hegemony in society. As conclusions, we highlight the relevance of the struggle for democratization and the objective of linking the university to the problems of society, fertile ground for the development of an emancipatory and popular education.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
ENGLISH (Português (Brasil))


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