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Work and use of our faculty of concepts
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SCHWARTZ, Yves. Work and use of our faculty of concepts . Serviço Social e Saúde, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 00, p. e023002, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/sss.v22i00.8675046. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 may. 2024.


This paper, aimed at philosophy teachers, suggests that the reflection on 'work' uniquely challenges the activity of concept formation that lies at the heart of philosophical work. The feeling of lack of addressing the topic of work in the university world inspired us to develop an innovative training device that brought together university students and the world of work. After this extensive experience, it became apparent that a reassessment of fundamental philosophical concepts (such as subject, values, health, language, norms) was necessary. At its core is the notion that all work and, beyond that, every human endeavor represent a form of "dramatic of use of self". This involves navigating unforeseeable conditions that intertwine one's self-use and the use of oneself by the other. Which epistemological deontological framework should be employed to construct the know about work? How do we guard against "usurpations" that prioritize the "lack of adherence” of the know”, the use of oneself by others, at the expense of "value of the know" immersed in the readjustments (the "renormalizations") of self-use? This to know-power dynamic is highly pervasive in social life. From this issue, which is also social and political arises a dual definition of work: a general one, defining us as human beings – as the use of oneself – and a historical one that imposes work as an obligation, designating a distinct social category due to inequalities and deficiencies. We ponder about the genesis of this historical form since the dawn of humanity, and we suggest that this drift from work is undoubtedly central to the anemia of current democracy.
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