We assume that linguistic knowledge is a mental construction. And that metalinguistic awareness plays an essential role in the process of acquisition of linguistic knowledge by children after five. Collected data has shown that the LOGO-words-and-lists programming aids to provide a rich environment in which children engage in language activities, one of them being “to build microgrammars”, i. e., “to teach the computer a bit about Natural Language”. This activity makes on-line linguistic processing available in slow, and thereby controlled, motion, as far as it necessarily concerns linguistic structure analysis. Our six subjects were aged 8 to 20 years and were engaged, by the time being, in building the Portuguese Verbal System Microgrammar. Data analysis has shown that a systematic view in knowledge representation develops only step by step, depending on: a) one’s logical development; b) one’s increasing awareness of the linguistic aspect under study, implying progress towards higher levels of conceptualization.Referências
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