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Diferentes perspectivas no discurso de educadores de creche: uma relação com a prática de formação continuada em serviço



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PAULI, Sueli Cristina; TFOUNI, Leda Verdiani; FERREIRA, Maria Clotilde Rosseti. Diferentes perspectivas no discurso de educadores de creche: uma relação com a prática de formação continuada em serviço. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 39, p. 73–93, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v39i0.8636939. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 nov. 2024.


Taking the “french” discourse analysis as reference, the aim of this work is to determine some relationships between continuous in-training of educators in day-care centers and discourse they produce about their practice. In this way, we took the perspective of analyzing some linguistic cues, specifically those referring to the determination and indetermination of the sentences’ subjects present in the educator’s discourse of two day-care centers (CI and CII), which differed by the fact of having wide in-training experience (CI), or having a non-systematic one (CII). The analysis of the corpora pointed to a preferential style among the CI educators, which consists in the linguistic indetermination of the subject of the sentence, whereas, among CII educators, there was a prevalence of the subject determination. Since the indetermination of the sentence subject is a characteristic of the scientific discourse, one can think about a relationship between continuous in-training and the allocation of places in the discourse where the subjects can speak about their practice in a distance and no-personalized way (effect of meaning which is also typical of the scientific discourse), such as happen with CI subjects. On the other hand, in CII, where the in-training is non-systematic, the greater use of linguistic marks of determination indicates that subjects can assume and commit themselves with the meanings they produce. In CI, therefore, there seems to exist a mechanism of identification with the Other’s discourse, and this effect is absent in CII, due to the absence of scientific discourse which may serve as reference, and to which the subjects might filiate themselves.


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