The aim of this work is to investigate the movements subjacent to the act of the erasure produced by pairs of students in the scholar context when they were discussing and writing a made-up story. In this work, the focused erasures attested the presence of the equivocalness as a language constitutive and the sense produced thereby. The methodological procedure of data collection consisted in filming a pair of students from the moment in which they discussed an invented a story to the moment of writing and concluding it. The registers named by Lacan as Real, Symbolic and Imaginary revealed themselves to be essential in the development of this work, since they combine unconsciousness, subjecthood, language and discourse. This work shows that the erasure is not, in spite of the student’s intentions, an instrument of “correction”. We show that the erasures made by the students point to a movement that searches for the similarity, for the recognition between what is said/written and what “should” be said/written. However, the “listening” effect of this recognition does not flow in the same direction, because there are erasure cases that encompass not only the “listening” but also what here is named “equivocal-listening”: the student, when searching for similarity, the unity of chunks of language, sometimes erases what is already “correct”, producing in this way an ambiguity/equivocalness.Referências
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