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Processos de referenciação em duas configurações narrativas: o conto popular e a estória oral
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BENTES, Anna Christina. Processos de referenciação em duas configurações narrativas: o conto popular e a estória oral. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 41, p. 177–189, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v41i0.8637009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.


This article describes how narrators from Brazilian Amazon region configurate oral tradition in two different ways. The first way, called “folk-tale” is characterized considering the fact that narrators, when telling their stories, privilege the dimensions of repetition and stability. The second one, called “oral story”, is characterized considering the fact that narrators, when telling their stories, privilege the dimensions of difference and instability. The present analysis of both configurations takes into account two aspects (i) the enunciative situation in which they were produced and (ii) the textual and discursive strategies developed by narrators. Folk-tales present (i) fixed plots, which are common-shared and (ii) referenciation strategies that do not show the discursive instances in which the stories are produced. Oral stories reconstruct tradition radically. In this way, they do not present fixed plots, what makes possible the emergency of versions that are distant from the formulaic nature of oral tradition. Referenciation strategies present in this second narrative configuration are much more varied and they also make possible the emergency of the discursive instances in which narratives are produced.
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