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Compreensão de descrições definidas e de anáforas associativas
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CAFIERO, Delaine. Compreensão de descrições definidas e de anáforas associativas. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 45, p. 133–144, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v45i0.8637023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


In this study, we observe how children and adults build thematic continuity when reading expositive texts of scientific diffusion. We deal with the interference of both reading experience and definite noun phrases organization in achieving reading comprehension. It is our intention to answer questions such as: to what extent do definite noun phrases and associative anaphora interfere in reading, making information processing a more complex activity? Following Marcuschi e Koch, 1998; Marcuschi, 1998; Koch, 1998; Koch, 2000 e 2002; Apothéloz e Reichler-Béguelin, 1995; Mondada e Dubois, 1995, we consider that the activity of constructing reference is a discursive one and that the referents of anaphoric expressions are built by the cognitive-discursive action of subjects in communicative situations.
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