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Sobre a noção de aspecto
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WACHOWICZ, Teresa Cristina; FOLTRAN, Maria José. Sobre a noção de aspecto. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 48, n. 2, p. 211–232, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v48i2.8637179. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper aims at didatictizing some notions referring to aspect and at clarifying the different terms used in this area. Initially, we provide the properties of the lexical aspect: the division into classes put forth by different authors, the properties of each class, the levels which we consider to apply these properties to. Afterwards, we characterize the grammatical aspect and how it interacts with lexical aspects.
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