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Literacies and/in translanguaging in deaf education
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ROCHA, Daniele Silva; RIBEIRO, Gilmara dos Reis. Literacies and/in translanguaging in deaf education: a multimodal entry proposal about the academic review. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 63, n. 00, p. e021013, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v63i00.8663930. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This work, with a qualitative approach and predominantly propositional and interpretive in nature, aims to present and discuss a proposal for didactc material aimed at deaf students, in an academic context, and itself suports on the need of develop materials that are more sensitive to linguistic and cultural specificities of these students. Thus, the proposal developed by the authors, being a deaf and a hearing, was materialized in a multimodal entry, in video format, about the genre 'academic review' and it contemplates the multiple languages that constitute and signify the multilingual reality in which the deaf and hearing collaboratively construct meanings, exceeding the limit of autonomous languages and their “standard” forms. The presentation and discussion of the proposed material are based on the perspective of Translanguaging (CANAGARAJAH, 2017; GARCÍA; LI WEI, 2014; OTHEGUY; GARCÍA; REID, 2015; 2018) and on the New Literacies and the Multiliteracies (COPE; KALANTZIS, 2009) ; KALANTZIS; COPE, 2006; LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2007; MELO; ROJO, 2014; ROJO; MOURA, 2019; ROJO, 2017; 2013; 2012), from which we point out some elements that show how the elaborated entry constitutes a didactic material in that the multiple semiosis (ROJO; MOURA, 2019) indicate and mean the translanguagings inherent to the deafness contexts. That said, we highlight as a result the verification of the contributions of these epistemological assumptions for the elaboration of didactic materials that can collaborate with the social inclusion of the deaf and with the construction of educational practices under more pluralist bases, and so we understand that the translanguaging expands the process construction of meaning taking into account issues of cultural and social contexts.
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