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Acquisition of Portuguese as L2 by venezuelan children in a cross-border context
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Acquisition - Learning of portuguese as an L2
Child education

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LEMOS, David Sena; DEL RÉ, Alessandra. Acquisition of Portuguese as L2 by venezuelan children in a cross-border context: code-switching in the classroom. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 64, n. 00, p. e022029, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v64i00.8668238. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This work is part of a broader study on the acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese (PB) as second language (L2) in a school setting, along the Brazil’s northern border (Pacaraima) and Venezuela's southern border (Santa Elena de Uairén). We analyzed the speech of three Venezuelan four-year-old children acquiring BP, in particular the issue of code-switching, by three 4-year-old Venezuelan children interacting with native speakers of BP in the classroom (Early Childhood Education). Eighteen sessions, between 30 and 45 minutes, were filmed in the classroom and later transcribed using the CHAT/CLAN tool. This is a longitudinal and qualitative study. To analyse the data, we used a dialogic and discursive approach that seeks to understand how language and the production of meaning work. Both occur in the relationships undertaken among subjects, in relation to other discourses, in which sociocultural and ideological aspects are involved, in certain discursive contexts (BAKHTIN; VOLOCHÍNOV, 2014 [1929], SALAZAR-ORVIG, 2010; SALAZAR-ORVIG et. al., 2010, Del Ré et al, 2014a). The findings of this research (reveal that children code-switch in a variety of ways during certain discursive events at school, especially when motivated by external factors such as the topic of interaction or prior experience with distinct speech genres as children’s songs and tales.
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