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Metalinguistic awareness in the light of THAM2
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Metalinguistic awareness
Metalinguistic abilities

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FIGUEIRA, Ana Paula Couceiro. Metalinguistic awareness in the light of THAM2: some results. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 65, n. 00, p. e023030, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v65i00.8671334. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2024.


Many authors define metalinguistic awareness as the ability to consciously and intentionally reflect and analyze the structural components of Language. For less informed readers, it can be conceptualized as the ability to understand and reveal understanding of what is read. This ability is of undeniable importance for all human tasks. We consider the need to evaluate, analyze and promote it, intervening. In Portugal, there are almost no valid resources in this domain. We ventured on this path, presenting the THAM2 (resource of Italian origin and already in the process of being measured, adapted to European Portuguese, oriented to boys aged 9-14 years), and some results obtained (27 Portuguese subjects, with 9 years old). Although scarce, the results are quite promising. The linguistic component of THAM2 was more easily completed by the subjects in the sample, when compared to the metalinguistic component. The participants adhered well to the task, although it was too long. In this context, the THAM2, although in need of further study and possible adjustments, appears to be a reliable measure of metalinguistic awareness, providing an in-depth assessment of several well-defined constructs, based on tasks that differ in their complexity and difficulty. The diversity of metalinguistic abilities assessed could be an advantage of using the instrument in research on the subject and its relationship with learning to read and write.
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