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LIER-DE-VITTO, Maria Francisca. RAÍZES GENÉTICAS: IMPLICAÇÕES E COMPLICAÇÕES. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 26, p. 17–25, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v26i0.8636809. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 maio. 2024.


The topic egocentric speech/discourse plays a fundamental role in Developmental Psychology. Both Piaget and Vygotsky agree that discoursive activity is the genetic link or transitional period between two different forms of regulation of behavior. Two points will be discussed in this article. The first concerns Vygotsky’s attempt to integrate the explanatory factors taken by him as responsible for development, i. e., language and social intercourse. I call attention to the fact that it is in the communicative function that he tries to articulate the above mentioned external poles. The second questions why the author, although criticizing Piaget, sticks to the notion of “egocentric speech”. I intend to demonstrate that these issues, although apparently independent, are, nevertheless, intricately related.


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