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Adverbs and functional heads: a cross-linguistic perspective
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MEIRA, Betty June. Adverbs and functional heads: a cross-linguistic perspective. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 46, n. 2, p. 283–290, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v46i2.8637174. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


There is, undoubtedly, a wide spectrum of research that can be undertaken on adverbs, and recent works on this issue have shed light to a still opaque field of investigation which has for a long time challenged linguists all over the world (Alexiadou, 1994b, 1997; Rivero, 1992; López, 1994; Costa, 1996, 2004; Cinque, 2004).
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ALEXIADOU, Artemis. (1994b). Issues on the Syntax of Adverbs, Ph.D. diss., University of Potsdam.

ALEXIADOU, Artemis. (1997) Adverb Placement. A case study in antisymmetric syntax. Benjamins, Amsterdam.

BAKER, Mark. (1985). The Mirror Principle and Morphosyntactic Explanation. Linguistic Inquiry 16: 337-415.

BYBEE, Joan. (1985). Morphology: A Study of the Relation between Meaning and Form. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.

CHOMSKY, Noam. (1970). Remarks on Nominalization. In: Roderick A. Jacobs and Peter S. Rosenbaum, eds., Readings in English transformational Grammar. Ginn, Waltham, Mass., pp. 184-221.

CHOMSKY, Noam. (1995) The Minimalist Program. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

CINQUE, G. (2004). Issues in adverbial syntax. Lingua, 114: 683-710.

COSTA, J. (1996). Adverb Positioning and V-Movement in English: some more evidence. Studia Linguistica, 50: 22-34.

COSTA, J. (2000). Adverbs as adjuncts to non-universal functional categories: evidence from Portuguese. In: Alexiadou, A., Svenonius, P. (Eds.), Adverbs and Adjunction. Linguistics in Potsdam 6, 19-32.

COSTA, J. (2004). A multifactorial approach to adverb placement: assumptions, facts, and problems. Lingua, 114: 711-753.

ERNST, Thomas. (2000). On the order of event-internal adjuncts. In: Alexiadou, A., Svenonius, P. (Eds.), Adverbs and Adjunction. Linguistics in Potsdam 6, 33-49.

FOLEY, W. A. and Robert D.Van Valin. (1984). Functional Syntax and Universal Grammar. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

JAKOBSON, Roman. (1957/1971). Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb. In: Roman Jakobson , Selected Writings, vol. 2. Mouton, The Hague, pp. 130-147.

KAYNE, R. (1994). The Antisymmetry of Syntax. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

LAENZINGLER, C. (2000). More on adverb syntax and phrase structure. In: Alexiadou, A., Svenonius, P. (Eds.), Adverbs and Adjunction. Linguistics in Potsdam 6, 103-132.

LÓPEZ, Ana I.O. (1994). Adverbios y Categorias Funcionales en Español. Revista Española de Lingüística, 24: 393-416.

POLLOCK, J-Y. (1989). Verb movement, universal grammar and the structure of IP. Linguistic Inquiry 20: 365424.

POLLOCK, J-Y. (1997). Notes on Clause Structure. In: Liliane Haegeman, ed. Elements of Grammar, Klwer, Dordrecht, pp. 237-239.

RIVERO, M-L. (1992). Adverb Incorporation and the syntax of adverbs in Modern Greek. Linguistics and Philosophy, 15: 289-331.

ZANUTTINI, R. (1997). Negation and Clausal Structure. A Comparative Study of Romance Languages. Oxford University Press, New York.

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