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Advps habituais e advps frequentativos: ambos aspectuais quantificadores; modalizadores, só os habituais


Habitual Aspect. Habitual Aspect Adverbs. Frequentative Aspect. Frequentative Adverbs. Modality. Tau Condition. Cartographic Syntax.

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TESCARI NETO, Aquiles. Advps habituais e advps frequentativos: ambos aspectuais quantificadores; modalizadores, só os habituais. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 51, n. 2, p. 253–272, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v51i2.8637215. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Comrie (1975) had already noticed that habitual and iterative/frequentative aspects used to be treated as instances of the same aspectual subtype by some papers available in general Linguistics literature. The author distinguishes such instances of the aspectual category by recognizing that habitual aspect expresses the occurrence of an event or state as characteristic of a period of time while iterative expresses the mere repetition of an event or state. Cinque (1999) takes the fact that the iterative aspect is under the scope of the habitual aspect to keep them in different functional projections in the split IP. In our paper, we take the inherently modal nature of habitual aspect (a possibility not available to the iteratives) to show that these instances of aspect must be treated as different manifestations of the aspect category, either on Semantics or on Syntactic grounds. In order to capture the modal nature of the habitual aspect adverbs, we base our analysis on Tescari Neto (2008)’s Tau Condition.


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