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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • - Make sure of the submission's originality. The work cannot have been previously published or submitted simultaneously to another journal. We recommend filling out the Originality Declaration and attached it in step 4. Otherwise, you must justify it in "Comments to the editor."
  • - Make sure that the file submitted is in Microsoft Word format without identifying the authors. (Standards of style and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors).
  • - URLs for references should be provided when possible.
  • - Make sure that the work aligns with the thematic areas and the scope of the journal.
  • - Make sure to have an ORCID ID. Registration is free; if you have not done so, please go to URL:

Author Guidelines


Papers must be submitted online, through the OJS platform.

The Conceição/Conception journal uses the guidelines of Brazilian National Standards Organization – Associação Brasileira de Normas e Técnicas (ABNT):

* References - Preparation (NBR-6023/2002);
* Documents citations - Presentation (NBR 10520/2002);
* Progressive numbering of the sections of a written document (NBR-6024/2003);
* Summary - Presentation (NBR 6028/2003).


1- Do not include unpublished work or citation from personal presentations or communications in the reference list. Self references of this kind should be indicated in a footnote.
2- Footnotes are only allowed for additional observations essential to the text, with just a few lines.
3- For the references, use bold to emphasis the title (instead of underlining or italics).
4. The text should not exceed the limit of 25 pages. Manuscripts exceeding this limit will be declined.
5. The manuscript should contain no more than 3 authors. Exceptional cases will be handled directly by the editorial board.


1- Paper Size A4
2- Line spacing 1.5, justified paragraph
3- Font Times New Roman, size 12
4- Margins: top and bottom: 2.5 cm; Right and Left: 3.0 cm
5- File must be in Microsoft Word or compatible formats.
6- Do not use bolds; use italics for terms in a foreign language.
7- Paper extension: maximum 20 pages, including references.

2.1 Text Layout

1- Title: centralized and bold.
2- Title in Brazilian Portuguese.
3- Do not include your name or information that may allow to identify the authorship of the paper, and clear the file metadata. On the website, when you do the register, fill in the complete authorship information. If accepted for publication, the authors will be contacted to include academic information, institutional affiliation, ORCID identifier and e-mail. A mini-curriculum will also be added at the end of the article, for the authors that request it.
4- Abstract: two lines below the foreign title, 4 to 6 lines, in single spacing and italics.
5- Keywords: two lines below the abstract, maximum 3 keywords capitalized and separated by full stop.
6- Abstract in Brazilian Portuguese: two lines below the keywords, 4 to 6 lines, single-spaced.
7- Keywords in Brazilian Portuguese: two lines below the abstract in Portuguese, maximum 3 words capitalized and separated by full stop.
Optional: abstract and keywords in Spanish, following the same rules.
8- Text: two lines below the keywords.
9- References: two lines after the end of the text. Include in the list only those references that were actually mentioned throughout the article. ABNT standards must be followed, as examples in item 6.


For every submission, a statement must be submitted with the signature of all authors, stating that the article is original. The letter should be scanned and placed in "Supplementary Files" in the job submission Act (4th step).


As a way of standardizing authorship, the Committee of Conceição/Conception made mandatory the inclusion of iD's ORCID at the time of submission.
The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at: You must accept the standards for presentation of iD ORCID, and include the full URL, accompanied by the prefix "http://" in your registration, shortly after the e-mail (e.g. -0002-1825-0097).


Tables, figures, pictures, illustrations, graphs and drawings should be inserted in the text. Digital images should be presented with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi in real (not interpolated).
Materials from digital cameras should be at least 3-megapixel resolution without compression (high definition module).
All images must be properly numbered and accompanied by captions and source indication.
The formatting for this type of material should be: Figure capitalized with progressive numbering being separated by a hyphen. Example: Figure 1 - Shows the Company X. Place, City Year - should be placed under the legend.
Tables must include a proper title, making the collected data meaningful independently of the text, placed always above the table itself.
For diagrams, the title should be placed above the illustration. Example: Diagram 1 - Principles of coreology.


All the cited texts must be referred in the end of the article by its title, without distinction between books, periodicals, documents etc. The standard adopted is the NBR-6023/2002.

In the references, you should use the title in bold and not underlined. The subtitle should not be highlighted (NBR-6023: 2002).

Direct citations:

- With more than 3 lines: identation of 4.0 cm to the right, single spacing and font size 10;
- With less than 3 lines: it must be incorporated into the text in double quotation marks.

Indirect citations:
- Bracketing (AUTHOR, year).
- In case of multiple authors, separate the authors with semicolons.

References examples:

  • Books:

GERALDI, Silvia. Raízes da teatralidade na dança paulistana: duas criadoras, Célia Gouvêa e Sônia Mota. Curitiba: Editora Prismas, 2015. 292 p. (Coleção Artes da Cena: Atuação e Ensino). ISBN 978-85-5507-091-4

-->Quote in the text: “Geraldi (2015) writes that...”, or after citation (GERALDI, 2015).

  • Book chapters:

QUILICI, C. S. Meditação e técnica: uma reflexão necessária. In: SOARES, M., ANDRAUS, M. B. M., WILDHAGEN, J. Mitos e Símbolos na Cena Contemporânea: Interlocuções Oriente-Ocidente. Jundiaí: Paco Editorial, 2014. 360 p. ISBN 978-85-8148-642-0

-->Quote in the text: Quilici (2014) writes that...”, or after citation (QUILICI, 2014).

  • Journal papers:

LAZZARATTO, Marcelo Ramos. Da sala preta ao jardim. Sala Preta, São Paulo, v. 15, n. 2, 2015. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 27 jun. 2016.

-->Quote in the text: Lazzaratto (2015) writes that...”, or after citation (LAZZARATTO, 2015).

  • Theses and dissertations:

TURTELLI, Larissa Sato. O espetáculo cênico no método Bailarino-Pesquisador-Intérprete (BPI): um estudo a partir da criação e apresentações do espetáculo de dança Valsa do Desassossego. 2009. Tese (Doutorado em Artes) – Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2009.

-->Quote in the text: Turtelli (2009) writes that...”, or after citation (TURTELLI, 2009).

  • Archive documents:

ARANHA, Luís de Freitas Vale. Carta a José Pinto. Arquivo Pedro Ernesto Batista, série Correspondência; PEB c 1935.01.15 (Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro). 15 jan. 1935.

-->Quote in the text: Aranha (15 jan. 1935) writes that...”, or after citation (ARANHA, 15 jan. 1935).

  • Non-governmental organizations:

ORGANIZAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL DO TRABALHO (OIT). Adaptação de ocupações e o emprego do portador de deficiência. Tradução de E. A. da Cunha. Brasília, DF: CORDE, 1997. 182 p.

--> Quote in the text: OIT (1997) writes that...”, or after citation (OIT, 1997).

Obs.: In first appearence, cite the institution’s name and year; afterwards, use just the initials.

  • Event’s publications (congress, simposium...):

TARUMOTO, Juliana; ANDRAUS, Mariana Baruco Machado. Práticas inclusivas em dança: pressupostos da dança pós-moderna como fundamentos para inclusão em dança. In: SIMPÓSIO DE EDUCAÇÃO INCLUSIVA E ADAPTAÇÕES, 5., 2015, Presidente Prudente. Anais do... Presidente Prudente: Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, 2015. p. 497-506.

--> Quote in the text: Tarumoto e Andraus (2015) write that...”, or after citation (TARUMOTO; ANDRAUS, 2015).

  • Digital documents:

SANTOS, Gildenir Carolino; PASSOS, Rosemary; SOUZA, Rogério Gualberto de (Colab.). Percurso científico: guia prático para elaboração da normalização científica e orientação metodológica. Campinas, SP: Arte Escrita, 2012. 157 p., il. (Manuais técnicos BFE, n.7). ISBN 9788564830073. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 19 set. 2014.

--> Quote in the text: Santos, Passos e Souza (2012) write that...”, or after citation (SANTOS; PASSOS; SOUZA, 2012).

Thematic Articles

III - The Thematic Articles section will be composed of articles according to the theme established
in the Public Call for Submission of Articles. In this section, works by Masters students will be
accepted, as well as from Ph.D. candidates, Ph.D. researchers, and co-authorships with

Articles - Free Themes

IV - The Free Articles section will include articles selected according to submissions. In this
section, works by Masters students will be accepted, as well as from Ph.D. candidates, Ph.D.
researchers, and co-authorships with supervisors.


V - The Open section will include the publication of works at the Publishers' invitation, whose
authors do not have an academic profile but have a recognized artistic trajectory by their peers.


VI - In the Interviews section, interviews on current topics pertinent to the performing arts may be
published. In this section, works by Masters students will be accepted, as well as from Ph.D.
candidates, Ph.D. researchers, and co-authorships with supervisors.


VII - In the Translations section, translations of texts relevant to the performing arts may be
published only if translators have obtained express authorization from the original author and the
vehicle in which the text was originally published. Authorizations must be submitted within the
submission deadline established for the number.


VIII - Critical reviews of works dealing with content relevant to the performing arts may be
published in the Reviews section. In this section, works by Masters students will be accepted, as
well as from Ph.D. candidates, Ph.D. researchers, and co-authorships with supervisors.


IX - Dramaturgical texts or Performative writings will be published in the Dramaturgy and
Performative Writings section.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.