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Dances that matter
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Anna Halprin

How to Cite

GUZZO, Marina Souza Lobo. Dances that matter: Anna Halprin, care and nature. Conceição/Conception, Campinas, SP, v. 12, n. 00, p. e023015, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/conce.v12i00.8674902. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

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This article aims to approach the trajectory of dance artist Anna Halprin based on her dances with nature. Based on excerpts from the artist's trajectory, some of her works and publications on the subject, the text maps an important reference for thinking about the role of dance and body arts in the face of contemporary issues experienced by the new climate regime, proposing approaches between dance and care, including eco-somatic practices to activate sensory experiences that remind us of our connection with the Earth.
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