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About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Conexões journal aims to disseminate scientific production in Physical Education and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area. The journal accepts the submission of texts produced by professionals and researchers from all areas involved with the themes of Sports sciences. It adopts the philosophy of "open access", allowing free and unrestricted access to its content. It adopts the policy of self-archiving through the online submission of the originals by the author (s) of the papers.


Annual continuous publication

Qualis-CAPES Evaluation (2017-2018)

B3 - ISSN: 1516-4381  

Qualis-CAPES Evaluation (2013-2016)

Submission and Authors guidelines

Articles must be submitted online and must follow the Guidelines for authors available here. See the Tutorial on How to Submit Your Article Here.

Peer review process

The articles sent to the journal Conexões are evaluated by two referees. For this task, the double-blind system is used to issue the following concepts: approved for publication; approved with corrections; rejected for publication. If the article receives an approved opinion and another one rejected for publication, it is forwarded to a third referee who issues a final judgment on it. The paper that receives an approved opinion with corrections and another approved for publication, or even two opinions with corrections, are forwarded to the author to provide the changes requested by the referees and are reevaluated after corrections. The deadlines for correction of the author vary between 30 and 60 days. Unaccepted works are not returned and the author is informed of the decision. Articles written by specialists from different areas of knowledge can be published, provided they are of interest to the area of ​​Physical Education and its interfaces. Editors do not take responsibility for concepts issued in signed articles and transcribed materials. The editors reserve the right to select articles for publication and to hear expert advice to ascertain the quality of the work. The journal does not publish texts already published in scientific events, guest articles and/or translated. Originality is a prerequisite for publication.

Journal historic

Conexões is a traditional newspaper in the area of Physical Education. It has been published since 1998 and since 2003 it has become the responsibility of the Faculty of Physical Education of Unicamp. Its name demonstrates its multidisciplinary character in publishing studies from sports sciences that are interested in physical activity and body practices. During its history, it stands out as a vehicle with great national visibility and international insertion, mainly in Latin America. It offers its readers knowledge that is accurate and backed by a rigorous evaluation. Its collaborators enable relevant dissemination of their products from the Portal of Scientific Electronic Newspapers of Unicamp (PPEC). For two consecutive years, Conexões is the most accessed newspaper of Unicamp in PPEC. In 2019, we adopted the Continuous Publication system. In 2020 it was indexed by Lilacs, in addition to being considered by other important indexers.

Source Cataloguing by: Gildenir Carolino Santos - CRB-8ª/5447