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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Conexões's mission is to disseminate scientific production in Sports Sciences and related areas, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge in the area. The journal accepts the submission of texts produced by professionals and researchers from all areas involved in physical activity, body practices, and sports. 

It consists of the following sections:

Original Articles

Review Articles

Experience Reports



  • Original and Review articles must be no longer than 7.000 words;
  • Experience Reports must be no longer than 6.000 words;
  • Interviews must be no longer than de 4.000 words.

Articles must be written in accordance with the Guidelines below. For formatting, use the TEMPLATE 


  • Manuscripts must be submitted online by authors. For further information on how to submit an article, see the Tutorial here;
  • Submission involves the correct inclusion of Metadata and Submission Checklist (click here to download), the full name, email, ID Orcid, main affiliation in full (note: hierarchical units must be presented in descending order, for example, university, college or institute, and department) of all authors and Professional address of the corresponding author.
  • Bio Statement must be objective and include academic background (the most relevant), other affiliations, programs, and ongoing projects (if relevant), no longer than 4 lines. The names of institutions and programs should preferably be presented in full.
  • The order of authorship of the text will be strictly the same as the insertion of the names of the authors in the CHECKLIST section: "CONTRIBUTION FROM EACH AUTHOR FOR THE ARTICLE". Under no circumstances it will be allowed to add or remove a co-author's name after the text has been forwarded for evaluation.
  • In the metadata, the title of article, abstracts (Portuguese, English, and Spanish) and keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish) identical to those in the file. Formatting details are available on the topic of Preparing the article. 


  • For the standardization of authorship, is mandatory to include the ORCID ID in the act of submission. After the first analysis, before sending for evaluation, articles that do not have the ORCID informed in the system will be notified for the inclusion of the identifier record.
  • Orcid register is available at
  • Authors must accept the standards for iD ORCID register and include the full URL (for example /0000-0002-1825-0097). To use ORCID iD, it is mandatory to validate it after registration. See here the tutorial. 


  • Conducting experiments involving human subjects must follow the Brazilian laws, specific resolution of the National Health Council (196/96) available at, including the signing of an Informed Consent Form (ICF) and the protection of the volunteers' privacy.
  • The carrying out of experiments involving animals must follow specific resolutions (Law nº 6.638/79 and Decree nº 24.645/34).
  • In both cases, it is mandatory to indicate in the text that the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (citing the opinion number or approval protocol in Methods) or attach a supplementary document at the time of submission.
  • Works that only have the TERM OF CONSENT will not be accepted by the magazine.
  • It is not mandatory to submit to the Research Ethics Committee/National Research Ethics Committee (CEP/Conep) system any work that falls within the cases that have an exemption provided for in the context of CNS Resolution No. 510, of April 7, 2016. – article 1, sole paragraph. (Resolution available here).


Conexões suggests the adoption of checklists to describe methods, such as EQUATOR, CONSORT, PRISMA, and STROBE. Please, follow the links in the journal template.

Conexões supports the clinical trial registration policy of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and Equator network. Therefore, clinical research articles that have received an identification number, must mention the identification number in the text, as well as provide the information, according to their section:

For more details, consult the Methodology section in Preparations of the Articles, described below (after the Financial Support section).


To enhance academic integrity and prevent plagiarism in publications accredited on the Portal, Conexões adopts the text-similarity identification service using the Turnitin platform implemented at the University since November 2016 as a basis.


Papers of own authorship previously published, as well as their adaptations, must be properly cited and referenced.


Copyrights for articles published are exclusive of the journal. As they appear in this publicly accessible journal, the articles are free to use, with their attributions, in educational and non-commercial applications. If data or the complete article is used for other purposes, the author must request written authorization from the editor for such purposes. Articles are certified by the Creative Commons Uses License


  • Submission limits. Conexões will publish a maximum of two works by the same author or co-author per year. Therefore, before starting the submission process the author must check with the other authors involved the situation of each one of them. The submission that exceeds will be filed without an appreciation of merit.
  • Double submission. Articles that have been published or are not being evaluated for publication in another journal, either in full or in part, will not be allowed. Conexões will not consider for publication articles whose data have been made available on the Internet for public access. If there is, in the submitted article, any material in figures or tables already published elsewhere, the submission of the article must be accompanied by a copy of the original material and written permission to reproduce the material.
  • “From home” authorship. The Conexões will follow the orientations of the editorial policy from the international indexers in regard to the publication of articles submitted by authors linked to the FEF-Unicamp. The members of the Editorial Committee cannot be authors or co-authors of articles. The publication of articles in which professors and/or students of this host institution are authors or co-authors will be limited up to 20% per volume. The articles will be designated to the Chief Editor, who will be responsible for the conducting of the evaluation in double-blind system. 


  • It is mandatory to inform in the article, in the form of Acknowledgments before References, and in the Metadata in the Development agencies field, information of any financial aid received for the preparation of the work, mentioning the development agency and the number of Grant.
  • Studies that were fully or partially funded by CAPES, must, obligatorily, refer to the support received, and use the following expressions, in the language of the work: "This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.


Articles should be written according to the instructions below. The articles that do not meet this structure will be given back to their authors, without evaluation of merit.

  • The papers shall be typed in Word for Windows, font Verdana, size 11, the spacing between lines of 1,15. Use the TEMPLATE
  • It must be objective and informative in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. It should be identical to the title mentioned in the metadata and written in lowercase letters, with the first letter of the initial word in uppercase, except for proper names and acronyms. If there is a subtitle, it must also be written in lower case. It is recommended not to use abbreviations in the title and to limit their use in the abstract and throughout the text. IMPORTANT: The Journal does not allow footnotes associated with the paper's title.
  • It must be informative and in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, no longer than 250 words. It must be identical to the abstract described in metadata, in lowercase letters, with the first letter of the initial word in uppercase, except for unique names and acronyms. The abstract should not contain a quotation or reference. The structured version is mandatory and includes Introduction and/or Objectives, Methodology, Results and discussion, and Conclusions and/or Final Considerations. Use the example described in the Template as a basis. Keywords. It consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of six terms that identify the subject of the article in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, separated by a dot in the text. Only the initial of each keyword must be written in capital letters, except proper names and acronyms. Use italics only for foreign words. Suggestion: use the Health Sciences Descriptors (Decs/Mesh Bireme), or Sportdiscus Thesaurus (EBSCOhost) or Authorities from Library of Congress (
  • The text must respect the number of words in the corresponding section, as well as the journal's norms (Table, standards, text limits, contained in these guidelines).
  • The introduction must contain objectives, justification for the study, with pertinent references to the subject, without conducting an extensive review; and the purpose of the article.

Methodology: this section should describe the experiments (quantitatively and qualitatively) and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other researchers to reproduce the results or continue the study and should contain: (1) a clear description of the sample used; (2) Informed Consent Form, for experimental studies involving humans or animals; (3) identification of methods, equipment (manufacturer's name and address, city and country must be mentioned in parentheses) and procedures used; (4) a brief description and references of published methods, but not widely known; (5) detailed description of new or modified methods; (6) when relevant, include the statistical analysis and the programs used. Describe the criteria for the selection of the patients or experimental group, including the controls. If the methodology applied has ever been employed before, give the references, besides the abstracted description of the method. Also describe the statistical methods employed and the comparisons for which test was applied. Use the tools listed below, according to the type of research conducted:

Important: When reporting experiments on humans or animals, indicate whether the procedures followed the standards of the Ethical Committee on Human Experiences of the institution where the research was conducted and if the procedures are following the 1995 Helsinki declaration and Animal Experimentation Ethics, respectively. The authors must include a statement indicating that the protocol has been approved by the Institution's Ethics Committee (affiliation institution of at least one of the authors), with the respective identification number. It must also include that the Informed Consent Form was signed by all participants. Works that only have the TERM OF CONSENT will not be accepted by the magazine.

  • Results and Discussion: present the results in a logical sequence in the text, using tables and figures. Avoid excessive repetition of data in the text, in tables or figures, however, emphasize only the most important findings. In the Discussion, emphasize the original and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from it, avoiding, however, repeating data already presented in other parts of the article. In experimental studies, highlight the relevance and limitations of the results, comparing with the literature data and including implications for future studies.
  • Conclusions and/or Final Considerations: the conclusion must be clear and concise, based on the results obtained, establishing a link with clinical implications however, avoiding excessive generalization. The same emphasis should be placed on studies with negative or positive results. Recommendations can be included, when relevant.
  • Acknowledgments: when appropriate, include thanks or acknowledgment to people who have contributed to the development of the work but do not qualify as co-authors.
  • Funding sources such as research grants and scholarships should be recognized in this section. Authors must obtain written permission to mention the names and institutions of all those who have received nominal acknowledgments.
  • References: only documents cited in the text should be referenced. The list of References must be ordered alphabetically by authorship and, in case of duplication of authors, alphabetically by title. They must be standardized by Surname (in capital letters), name in full. Sources and adaptations in figures, tables, charts or other illustrations must be referenced. It is not necessary to indicate own authorship, except if the illustration was published in previous work to avoid self-plagiarism. In this case, indicate the reference in the text and in the References List.
  • File format: use a text editor (Microsoft Word or equivalent). Tables and charts must be in their original files (Excel, Acess, Powerpoint, etc.). Figures must be in .jpg or .tif formats in high resolution (300 dpi). Figures must be included in the Word file, but must also be sent separately (attached during the submission of the article as a supplementary document in its original files). 


  • Illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphs, etc.) must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and cited as a figure below them with Verdana 10 point font. Example: Figure 1 - Title of the figure.
  • Photographs must be accompanied by a caption below them. The illustrations must allow a perfect reproduction, including the couplets.
  • In the case of copy or adaptation, indicate the source. It is not necessary to indicate own authorship, except if the illustration was published in previous work to avoid self-plagiarism. In this case, indicate the reference in the text and in the References List.
  • All images must be provided in individual files separate from the text, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. (Example: in this resolution, a 10x15 cm photo generates a file of approximately 2Mb). 


  • They must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and headed by their title (centralized) in Verdana, 11 pt. Examples: Table 1 - Xxxxxx / Picture 1 - Xxxxxxx
  • The tables must be open on the sides and have no division of rows and columns inside.
  • The tables are closed, with apparent divisions.
  • In the case of copying or adaptation, indicate the source. It is not necessary to indicate your own authorship unless the table has been published in a previous paper in order to avoid self-plagiarism. In this case, indicate the reference in the text and in the References List. 

Quotations (according to Brazilian rules, ABNT NBR 10520).

  • Quotations will be indicated by the system (SURNAME, date).
  • Quotations whose text has less than 3 lines must be presented within the paragraph and placed in quotation marks.
  • Quotations with more than 3 lines must have their paragraph, with indentation of 4 cm and Verdana font, 10 pt, and space between single lines.

References (according to Brazilian rules, ABNT NBR 6023:2018).

  • The list of references must be ordered alphabetically.
  • It should be aligned to the left margin and placed at the end of the article, citing the sources used. References are not justified and are separated from each other by a enter spacing.
  • The authors' names must be spelled out in full and separated from each other with a semicolon in the References list.
  • References with more than 3 authors must be mentioned only with the first one and et al. In the reference list, all the authors must appear in full.
  • Journals' full names must be written in italics.
  • For online documents, in addition to the essential elements, the electronic address must be registered, preceded by the expression: "Available in:" and the date of access, preceded by the expression "Access in:" according to NBR 6023.
  • All the links mentioned must be updated and active.

ATTENTION: The NBR 6023 was updated in 2018, therefore, there are some meaningful changes in the electronic materials. Consult the norm for more information, if necessary.


For better understanding and visualization, examples of references from different types of materials are transcribed below.

Books with one author:
MARINHO, Inezil Penna. Introdução ao estudo de filosofia da educação física e dos desportos. Brasília: Horizonte, 1984.

Books with 2 authors:
ACCIOLY, Aluiso Ramos; MARINHO, Inezil Penna. História e organização da educação física e desportos. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade do Brasil, 1956. 

Books with 3 authors:
SMITH, Collen; MARKS, Allan; LIEBERMAN, Michael. Bioqúmica médica básica de Marks:uma abordagem clínica. 2. ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2007. 

Books with more than 3 authors:
WITHROW, Thomas J; HUSTON, Laura J; WOJTYS, Edward M; ASHTON-MILLER, James A. The effect of an impulsive knee valgus moment on in vitro relative ACL strain during a simulated jump landing. Clinical Biomechanics, v. 21, n. 9, p. 977-983, 2006. Disponível em: 

Books with editors
CRUZ, Isabel. (Org.). Deusas e guerreiras dos jogos olímpicos. 4. ed. São Paulo: Porto, 2006. (Colecção Fio de Ariana). 

Chapters book
GOELLNER, Silvana. Mulher e esporte no Brasil: fragmentos de uma história generificada. In: SIMÕES, Antonio Carlos; KNIJIK, João D. O mundo psicossocial da mulher no esporte: comportamento, gênero, desempenho. São Paulo: Aleph, 2004. p. 359-74. 

Academic theses:
ZYLBERBERG, Tatiane Passos. Possibilidades corporais como expressão da inteligência humana no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. 2007. 289 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação Física) – Faculdade de Educação Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2007. 

Works in academic events:
SANTOS, F. B. Jogos intermunicipais do Rio Grande do Sul: uma análise do processo de mudanças ocorridas no período de 1999 a 2002. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIAS DO ESPORTE, 14., 2005, Porto Alegre. Anais... Porto Alegre: MFPA, 2005. v. 1. p. 236-40. 

BRASIL. Decreto nº 60.450, de 14 de abril de 1972. Regula a prática de educação física em escolas de 1º grau. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, v. 126, n. 66, p. 6056, 13 abr. 1972. Seção 1, pt. 1. 

Newspapers and magazines
NAVES, Paulo. Lagos andinos dão banho de beleza. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 28 jun. 1999., Caderno Turismo 8, p. 13. 

Journal articles
OLIVEIRA, Marcia Helena Mota; COELHO, Emerson; TUCHER, Guilherme. Diferença na qualidade de vida de mulheres ativas e sedentárias com síndrome de fibromialgia. Conexões, Campinas, v. 7, n. 1, p. 125-135, jan./abr. 2009. 

Online Journal articles: 
HERNANDES, Elisabeth Sousa Cagliari. Efeitos de um programa de atividades físicas e educacionais para idosos sobre o desempenho em testes de atividades da vida diária. Revista Brasileira de Ciência e Movimento, Brasília, v. 2, n. 12, p. 43-50, 05 jun. 2004. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 jun. 2004. 

Online documents and social networks
ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TECNICAS. Sistema de armazenagem. São Paulo, 19 set. 2017. Facebook: ABNT Normas Tecnicas @ABNTOficial. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 maio 2004.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or persons