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Physical Education

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BATISTA, Alison Pereira; MELO, José Pereira de; ARAÚJO, Allyson Carvalho de; DIAS, Maria Aparecida. THE PRODUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE LEARNING PROCESS ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN BRAZIL . Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. 1, p. 79–98, 2015. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v13i1.2150. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


The following writing brings reflections that occurred during the conception of our
dissertation. It came up in order to carry out some exploratory immersions on the
knowledge that is produced about the learning on physical education in Brazil. Thus, our main objective is to chart and reflect on the production of knowledge from
periodicals, post-graduation programs and congresses in order to pursue the body and
learning interface. We used hermeneutics through the analysis of contents (Bardin,
1977). In a number of 825 publications, we perceived that only 687 expressed some
theoretical conception of learning in their context and only 242 showed learning as the
focus of study. The conception of learning based on Motor Behavior appeared 165
times; the works based on Psycho pedagogical comprehensions had 158 occurrences;
the researches from a Historical-Critical perspective reached 252 files; the Meaningful
Learning had only two publications whereas the Cognitive Science and
Phenomenological was in 14 works. We believe this mapping about learning provides
us with academic support so that we can carry on the investigation about learning on
Physical Education in Brazilian schools based on the Cognitive Science and
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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