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GOMES, Isabelle Sena; CAMINHA, Iraquitan de Oliveira. ACTITUD BLASÉ E INTELIGENCIA: EL HOMBRE Y HÁBITOS URBANITAS. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 11, n. 4, p. 147–158, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v11i4.8637596. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This essay aims to discuss aspects of "urbanity" and some points regarding the city's
intellect. Considering that the city is made by / for the very people who inhabit it, and
its (re) construction is synonymous with reconstruction of the subject, this text will deal
with the dialectical relationship between individual and city-intelligence. Such
processes occur because of trade and liminaridades everyday, and the interaction of man with all that comprise the city. Before thinking about how man interacts with the city,
we raise the question of intelligence as part of the dialogue-person town. Sometimes,
the city eventually develop certain mechanisms of mental organization, which will help
you cope with the wave of stimuli coming from outside. In these mechanisms, Simmel
gives the name of blasé attitude. The blasé is part of what we call "objectivity of urban
life," and contributes to the occurrence of the functions of phatic communication. Phatic
functions, in turn, are defined as an attempt to maintain communication for the purposes
of socializing, but in a way impersonal. Several authors were about the blasé about the
objectivity of urban life, about the decline of the bonding and kin, so that even touching
difetentes points somehow - viewed from a panoptic - the thought: Park, Gadamer,
Simmel, Certau, Mayol, Magnani and Wirth, are (consiliently or dissonantly) related.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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