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Physical fitness

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BORGES, Leandro Lima; SOUZA, Leonardo Fernandes de; VEY, Ana Paula Ziegler; FERNANDES, Ana Carolina Vale; SILVA, Andressa Ferreira da; DARONCO, Luciane Sanchotene Etchepare; GUILARDI, Felipe Flores. FITNESS ATHLETES OF UNIVERSITY RUGBY TEAM SANTA MARIA (URSM) IN THE POST-COMPETITION YEAR 2012. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 11, n. 2, p. 85–96, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v11i2.8637618. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.


The Rugby is a sport that originated in England in the year 1823, through an irregular play
in a football match. Currently, this sport is among the fastest growing, and will also be
present at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. However, despite its exponential growth, there is a huge number of people who do not have much knowledge about this
sport. This paper presents a study that sought to evaluate the fitness of rugby players team
University Rugby Santa Maria, in the post-competitive 2012 season. Data were collected
from 10 athletes, all male, with a mean age of 21.4 years and were analyzed according to
standards set by authors in the field of measurement and evaluation. The Local Muscular
Endurance was assessed by testing for trunk flexion in 1 minute, Anaerobic Endurance by
testing 50-meter sprint Aerobic and Resistance through the Cooper test. Were also
collected measures of waist and hip circumference (Waist-Hip Ratio). Data were analyzed
using descriptive statistics (mean).
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