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Principles and subprinciples for a praxeological curriculum of physical education
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School physical education
Pedagogic innovation
Academic freedom

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MARTÍNEZ-SANTOS, Raúl; ARACAMA, Astrid; FOUNAUD, María Pilar; OIARBIDE, Asier. Principles and subprinciples for a praxeological curriculum of physical education. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 18, p. e020017, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v19i0.8659171. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


Motor action is the spearhead of physical education, says Parlebas, but what is the possibility of transforming this declaration of principles into a curriculum that guides the pedagogical reflection, the didactic organization and the motor action of the different school agents? Before moving towards a new legal reform, we dare to share the fruits of our study and our debates, after identifying the three fundamental questions of school physical education and interpreting them in a praxiological key: academic freedom is, in reality, an academic captivity in an open and democratic society, the rights to education and teaching set the aims and means of instruction that limit and guide teaching decisions; the school institution generates a playful (in)compatibility that transforms the nature of the game playing without impeding it to be a formidable intervention means for the education of conducts of reproduction, decision, coexistence and expression; finally, the effects obtained by physical education are transformations of motor competencies whose praxic evaluation can be conceived as an interpretation of situated signs.
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