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On body in life reform
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History, 19th Century.

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VAZ, Alexandre Fernandez. On body in life reform. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 18, p. e020041, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v18i0.8660930. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Introduction: Life reform (Lebensreform) is a cultural movement with so many practices that are critical of modernity, reaffirming elements of nature in opposition to industrialism. With roots in various cultural expressions, it has the body as a main subject. Objectives and methods: In this context, this paper aims, through documental research, to understand the Daniel Gottlieb Moritz Schreber’s proposols. He was a main person and an important physician, creator of a gymnastic method and a proposal for life in nature that after his death on knows as, ender other names, Schreber Gardens (Schrebergärten). Results: The paper studies some of Schreber's proposals, also addressing Naturheilkunde (natural medicine) and pedagogical propositions by Rudolf Steiner. It evoke the criticisms by Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno to topics of the Reformation of life that would be regressive. Final considerations: The paper concludes with an analysis of the movement regarding to the body and its expressions, trying to observe some of their consequences for Modernity and for the Contemporary.
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