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Sports in a violent community, a Uruguayan case analysis
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CARDOZO, Ismael. Sports in a violent community, a Uruguayan case analysis . Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 20, n. 00, p. e022008, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Objective: Our goal in this paper is to analyze the relationship between sports, education, security and violence regarding public policies in Uruguay. Method: For this, we focused on analyzing a public programme created by the Home Office in Uruguay, called “Pelota al medio a la esperanza”. This is based on using sports as a way of overcoming violence and improving civic coexistence. For this matter, we analyzed some documents and interviews done to members of the programme who are involved in the planning, coordination and implementation of the activities being conducted. We also studied some documents from the 90’s which are considered to be relevant to this programme and its goal. These are the civil safety Bill and the civil safety law. Outcomes: This first analysis allows us to establish that this policy carried out by the government is being implemented in the community, but it does not act in the social areas that are considered government territory. Final considerations: Based on the information gathered in this paper, we consider it is possible to elaborate a diagnosis regarding the relation between education, sports, security and violence that can maximize the relevant aspects of the different social groups involved, emphasizing and understanding social matters.

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