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Self-determination theory and passion for sport
capa 2023 com foto das primeiras edições da revista impressas
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Positive psychology
Sports psychology

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MARIUZZO, Maria Clara; GODOI, Rosane Camila; FERNANDES, Paula Teixeira. Self-determination theory and passion for sport: narrative review. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 00, p. e023042, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v21i00.8675195. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

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Objective: Define concepts, analyze and relate articles about Passion and Self-Determination Theory (SDT) - as components of Positive Psychology - in sport. Method: Articles were collected using the “Periódicos Capes” database, in addition to materials owned by the authors themselves, such as texts and books, which included one or more of the following themes: Theory of Self-Determination and/or Motivation, Passion, Sport and Physical activity. Results and discussion: 2 books, 2 book chapters, 19 articles and a Master's dissertation were included, which met the authors' criteria of contributing to the conceptualization of terminologies and the integration of the areas researched. By reading the texts, it was possible to discuss, analyze and relate the theory of self-determination, motivation and passion in the sporting context. Although it was possible to build links between Positive Psychology and Sports Psychology, there are limitations in this area of ​​study due to the scarce existing bibliography. Conclusion: Passion for sport, as a psychological variable, was defined by the Self-Determination Theory as an intrinsic motivational element. Being the inclination that an individual has for a certain sporting activity, in which they spend dedicated time, passion has an identity function and, therefore, is capable of differentiating sports practitioners in terms of gender, experience and competitive level. The character of passion, whether harmonious or obsessive, refers to how a sporting activity is internalized, so that, even though it is an element of interest to individuals, it can contribute both positively and negatively. After a detailed conceptualization and consideration of the articles that interconnect the themes of Psychology with sports, we conclude that the concepts of Positive Psychology constitute the basis for understanding the psychological aspects of practitioners of physical activities, as these are environments of mental and emotional stimulation.
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