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What the capoeira body can do in contemporary times
capa 2023 com foto das primeiras edições da revista impressas
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Physical education

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PASQUA, Lívia de Paula Machado; MWEWA, Christian Muleka; SILVA, Paula Cristina da Costa. What the capoeira body can do in contemporary times: about the facets of this cultural manifestation and their respective fields of expression and action. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 00, p. e023028, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v21i00.8675634. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The present text is configured as an essay that covers the capoeira body in contemporaneity, as well as its unfolding in the fields of expression and action that Capoeira can encompass. Thus, the objective was to understand the state of art of the production in research on Capoeira in different areas. Consequently, four themes emerged in the areas of Human Sciences (Anthropology and Sociology), Gender, Biological Sciences and Education. We present the results capoeristically in the form of a game, with four "Pequenas Rodas" of discussion of these themes, in addition to two "Papoeiras", valuing the voices of experienced bodies in this universe. In this way, we intend to contribute to future research that values knowledge coming from manifestations of African matrices, to think about the conceptions of the bodily knowledge in Education.
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