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The role of social capital in the victimization risk against property
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Interpersonal trust
Social cohesion
Economy of crime.

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MOREIRA, Gustavo Carvalho; KASSOUF, Ana Lucia; JUSTUS, Marcelo. The role of social capital in the victimization risk against property: evidence from Brazil. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, SP, v. 28, n. 2, p. 563–585, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 out. 2024.


The economic model of crime presupposes that individuals evaluate the decision to commit a crime rationally. A more inclusive version of this model would include social capital as a factor influencing criminal activity. The amount of social capital that exists within a group can be used to explain criminal behavior, and an increase in the level of social capital can be a factor capable of preventing crime. This study tests the hypothesis that increasing the level of social capital reduces the risk of victimization against property. Results from variations of an IV-Probit model were used to evaluate data from Latin American Public Opinion Project surveys conducted in Brazil. These results suggest that a higher level of social capital among individuals increases the likelihood that they will cooperate for mutual benefit, such as combating crime.

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