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A ortografia da língua Awetí
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DRUDE, Sebastian; AWETI, Waranaku; AWETI, Awajatu. A ortografia da língua Awetí. LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas, Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e019014, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/liames.v19i0.8655746. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article describes and substantiates the orthography of the Awetí language (Tupí, Alto Xingu/ mt), based on the analysis of the phonological and grammatical structure of Awetí. The orthography is a result of a long collaborative effort of the three authors, started in 1998. It establishes more than an alphabet (the representation of the vowels and consonants of the language): it also deals with internal variation, re-syllabification, lenition, and other (morpho‑)phonological processes. Special attention was given to the written representation of the glottal stop, as well as the orthographical consequences of nasal harmony. Although the lexical accent (stress) is not explicitly marked in Awetí, most of its affixes and particles is examined as to their stress and interaction with neighboring morphemes, also determining orthographical words. Finally, the alphabetical sort order is established, where digraphs are treated as regular sequences of letters, and the glottal stop ⟨ʼ⟩ is ignored, what helps learners of Awetí (writing). The orthography as described here has now been used for some 10 years in the village school for alphabetizing in Awetí, with good results. We believe that several of the arguments raised here can be fruitfully transferred to other languages with similar phenomena (glottal stop as consonant, nasal harmony, morpho-phonological assimilation, etc.).
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