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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Each author should make only one submission by year. If their article has been published, the author must wait twelve months from the last submission to make a new one.

Papers can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French.

Articles must be original, unpublished, preferably authored by someone with a doctoral degree, and have a maximum of 45,000 characters, including blank spaces.

The text must comply with ABNT standards (NBR 10.520/2023 for citations and NBR 6.023/2018 for bibliographical references) and the standards of formatting according to the submission template.

Evaluation of the papers

All articles are evaluated by peers observing the following parameters: level of contribution to the scientific community, quality of text writing, and relevance of bibliography.

All texts in all sections must conform to this style sheet:

Page: 14cm (width) x 21 cm (height)

Margins: superior 2 cm; inferior 2 cm; left 1,5cm; right 1,5 cm

Title: Font NewsGothic MT Bold, 24 pt, aligned left

English and/or Spanish title: Font NewsGothic MT Regular, 16pt, aligned left. 

Author: Font NewsGothic MT Regular, 11 pt, aligned right

Abstract: Arial 10pt, justified, linespacing 14pt, abstract must not exceed 150 words.

Keywords: must not exceed five words. Arial 10 pt, line spacing 14 pt, 10 pt space after

Body text: Arial 11 pt, line spacing 1.5, paragraph spacing 10 pt, justified, 1,27 cm indentation in first line.

Citations outside the body text: Arial 10 pt, indentation 4 cm, space 12 pt before and after, justified. The author’s citation name should appear following (in all caps), with the year of print and the citation’s page number, separated by commas and in parentheses.

For example (ORLANDI, 1992, p.11) / (AUROUX, 1992, p.17-18) / (GUIMARÃES e ORLANDI, 1996, p.09-10).

Citations inside the body text: up to three lines, shown with quotations, followed bu the author’s citation name (in all caps), year of print and citation’s page number separated by commas and in parentheses.

For example “citation citation citation” (ORLANDI, 1992, p.11) / (AUROUX, 1992, p.17-18) / (GUIMARÃES e ORLANDI, 1996, p.09-10).

References: at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, Font Arial 11 pt, line spacing simple, space 10 pt after paragraph, justified, no indentation in first line.

Book – author’s surname, author’s name. Title (black). Location of Publisher, Publisher, date, pages.

Example: ORLANDI, Eni Puccinelli. As formas do silêncio: no movimento dos sentidos. Campinas, Editora da UNICAMP, 1992.

Book chapter: author’s surname, author’s name. Title of chapter (no quotation marks) In: Author’s surname, author’s name. Book Title (black). Location of Publisher, Publisher, date, pages.

Example: NUNES, José Horta. Constituição do cidadão brasileiro: discursividade da moral em relatos dos viajantes e missionários. In: LÍNGUA e cidadania: o português no Brasil. Campinas, SP: Pontes, 1996. p. 19-30.

Articles in journals - author’s surname, author’s name. Title of article (no quotation marks) Journal’s name (black). Location of Publisher, date, pages.

Example: RAJAGOPALAN, K. O próprio conceito de contato linguístico à luz do interesse contemporâneo em translanguaging. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 64,  e022024, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v64i00.8667525. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 dez. 2022.

Dissertation and thesis author’s surname, author’s name, Title of dissertation or thesis (no italic). Level, university, date.

Example: ALBUQUERQUE, Maria Elisa Vercesi de. Publicidade na TV: o fenômeno da longevidade do garoto Bombril. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2000.

Electronic sources follow the above criteria and add electronic address and date of the last access.

Example: CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Plataforma Sucupira. Brasília, DF: CAPES, 2016. Disponível em: xhtml. Acesso em: 20 mar. 2019.

Submission checklist

  1. Articles must be submitted only via the submission system.
  2. The article must be original and unpublished
  3. The article must not be being evaluated by another journal
  4. It must be in Microsoft Word
  5. It must conform to the journal’s style sheet
  6. The journal’s author must preferably have a PhD title.
  7. All articles will be submitted to the editorial board, or ad hoc reviewers for the journal. Those may suggest structural or content modifications for the articles. The submitted articles will be forwarded, without any authorship remarks (blind review), to at least two members of the editorial board, or ad hoc reviewers. If the reviews are too different, the article will be reviewed by a third person.
  8. All articles will be sent to the editorial office for proofreading, and modifications on linguistics and layout can be made.
  9. The publishing of the reviewed works and translated articles must not exceed two years from its publication
  10. If the author wishes to have his article published in a foreign language, he can send the translation in the same layout as the other articles. The translation will be published with the original article.
  11. The responsibility for the content of the articles published by the journal “Língua e Instrumentos Linguísticos” is entirely of the authors.
  12. Articles that do not comply with submission guidelines will not be reviewed.

Submission checklist for Dossier Proposals

Dossier proposals must follow those conditions:

  1. The person that submits the proposal must send a text of no more than 2 pages for the e-mail, introducing the subject for the dossier and justifying its importance for Language Studies. This text must have a title (that exposes objectively and clearly the theme), justification and an indication of the authors that will be invited to participate in the dossier, specifying what each one will address related to the main theme. The layout to be followed is the same in the general guidelines for submission, although it is not necessary to have an abstract or keywords.
  2. The text will be evaluated by the editorial board on the theme’s relevant contribution for the scientific community, the justification given and the quality of the organization of the text.
  3. The dossier must have from five to seven articles, including the one from the person that proposed it.
  4. The person that proposes the dossier and its other authors must have a PhD
  5. If the subject is approved by the board, the acceptance will be informed by e-mail, with the number of the journal in which the dossier will be published and the deadlines for its publication.
  6. Even if the dossier is approved, the articles must be submitted to the same reviewing conditions than the rest of the articles for the journal.
  7. All articles must follow the guidelines from the submission checklist




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