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In the webs of memory, the museum, the archive and the production of knowledge
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How to Cite

RAGIEVICZ, Matheus França. In the webs of memory, the museum, the archive and the production of knowledge. Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 23, n. 45, p. 256–263, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/lil.v23i45.8659392. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


The work Museums, Archives and Knowledge Production in (Dis) course brings the reader a series of texts interested in discussing memory as a theoretical and symbolic object. Organized by Maria Cleci Venturini, a renowned researcher on urban discourse, the book is characterized by a pulsating plurality of research, reflections and concerns from different fields of knowledge, such as discourse analysis, literature and the history of linguistic ideas. It should be noted that the publication, from 2017 (Pontes Editores), is the result of the discussions of the “I Colloquium Museums, Archives: spaces of memory in / of urban discourse” held at the State University of the Midwest (UNICENTRO) in 2016. The collection , prefaced by Amanda Scherer, has the presence of fifteen chapters written by researchers from various institutions, which demonstrates, to a certain extent, the heterogeneity and originality of the organization of the volume. The structuring axes, namely museums, archives and knowledge production, find in memory the line that leads, relates and combines the structural difference of the book.
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VENTURINI, M. C. (Org.) Museus, arquivos e produção de conhecimento em (dis)curso. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores, 2017.

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