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Aplicação da certificação LEEDTM no Brasil: contribuição ao entendimento com base em dois estudos de casos


Sustainable Buildings. LEED Certification. Building Projects. Brazil.

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SILVA, Vanessa Gomes da; PARDINI, Andre Fonsica. Aplicação da certificação LEEDTM no Brasil: contribuição ao entendimento com base em dois estudos de casos. PARC: Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 1, n. 6, p. 115–130, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v1i6.8634490. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 nov. 2024.


The quest for higher sustainability standards in the Civil Construction Industry is still incipient. This research aims to study the application of the LEEDTM certification to Brazilian buildings, understanding the restrictions for its use in a reality different from the original American reference, and disseminate the analyzed results of two national case studies to put the debate in perspective. Obtained results confirmed that (1) obtaining a LEEDTM certificate is not an easy task and in Brazil it means jumping from complete lack of reference to follow North American standards; and (2) even in developed civil construction centers in Brazil, the market is not yet prepared for international green certification. There are huge obstacles to be overcome but certification opens discussion on matters never approached before in Brazil. Though limited, introduction of building certification in the Brazilian market opens discussion on subjects never treated before. Certifications, voluntary schemes and other market pull instruments play a fundamental role in market transformation for sustainability, but depend on a previous foundation regarding P&D and knowledge and technology transfer. The quest for ertification in itself should be avoided. Otherwise, it may put at risk the valuable contribution building certification can bring to market transformation.

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