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Automação da modelagem BIM a partir de nuvens de pontos
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Nuvem de pontos
Revisão sistemática de literatura
Modelagem da informação da construção

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LOPES, Igor Tiago; GROETELAARS, Natalie Johanna; CHECCUCCI, Érica de Sousa; AMORIM, Arivaldo Leão. Automação da modelagem BIM a partir de nuvens de pontos: uma revisão sobre métodos e técnicas. PARC: Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 00, p. e023010, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v14i00.8669015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 fev. 2025.


O surgimento de novas ferramentas que auxiliam no levantamento arquitetônico rápido e preciso, aliado à ascensão do uso de modelos Building Information Modeling (BIM) para edificações existentes tem impulsionado profissionais do setor da arquitetura e engenharia a buscar métodos para agilizar a modelagem e obter melhores resultados dentro dos seus fluxos de trabalho. Embora já conhecidos os potenciais do BIM para edificações existentes, a geração desse tipo de modelo ainda apresenta desafios. O uso de tecnologias de levantamento de dados 3D (como escaneamento a laser e fotogrametria) como base para modelagem BIM traz consigo a oportunidade de geração de modelos mais detalhados e precisos além de maior rapidez na aquisição de dados. Neste sentido, este artigo apresenta uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL) com intuito de reunir e discutir os principais métodos e técnicas que têm sido utilizados para automatização do processo de modelagem BIM com base em nuvens de pontos. Buscou-se os trabalhos publicados em bases de dados especificas durante o período compreendido entre 2015 e 2021. Além da análise bibliométrica, foi realizada uma análise qualitativa na qual os artigos foram classificados de forma a enquadrar todos os trabalhos selecionados. A partir da RSL, verifica-se diferentes ferramentas e processos que se complementam, mas que ainda requerem interação humana, seja para selecionar trechos da nuvem de pontos, fazer a associação com elementos construtivos ou ainda complementar o modelo de modo interativo.


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AGAPAKI, E.; BRILAKIS, I. State-of-practice on as-is modelling of industrial facilities. In: WORKSHOP OF THE EUROPEAN GROUP FOR INTELLIGENT COMPUTING IN ENGINEERING, 25., 2018, Laussane. Proceedings [...]. Laussane: Springer, 2018b, p. 103-124. DOI:

AGAPAKI, E.; MIATT, G.; BRILAKIS, I. Prioritizing object types for modelling existing industrial facilities. Automation in Construction, v. 96, p. 211-223, Dec. 2018. DOI:

ALLEGRA, Valeria; DI PAOLA, D.; BRUTTO, M. Lo; VINCI, C. Scan-To-Bim for the management of heritage buildings: The case study of the Castle of Maredolce (Palermo, Italy). The International Archives of Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, v. XLIII B2 2020, p. 1355-1362, Aug. 2020. DOI:

ANDRIASYAN, Mesrop; MOYANO, Juan; NIETO-JULIÁN, Juan Henrique; ANTÓN, Daniel. From point cloud data to building information modelling: An automatic parametric workflow for heritage. Remote Sensing, v. 12, n. 7, p. 1094, Mar. 2020. DOI:

BANFI, Fabrizio. Building information modelling–A novel parametric modeling approach based on 3D surveys of historic architecture. In: EURO-MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE, 6., 2016. Nicosia. Proceedings […]. Nicosia: Springer, 2016, p. 116-127. DOI:

BANFI, Fabrizio. HBIM generation: extending geometric primitives and BIM modelling tools for heritage structures and complex vaulted systems. In: THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PRHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPARIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, 42.; CIPA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM - DOCUMENTING THE PAST FOR A BETTER FUTURE, 27., 2019, Ávila. Proceedings [...]. Hannover: ISPRS, 2019, p. 139-148. DOI:

BARAZZETTI, L.; BANKI, F.; BRUMANA, R.; PREVILATI, M. Creation of parametric BIM objects from point clouds using NURBS. The Photogrammetric Record, v. 30, n. 152, p. 339-362, Dec. 2015. DOI:


BASSIER, M.; YOUSEFZADEH, M.; VERGAUWEN, M. Comparison of 2D and 3D wall reconstruction algorithms from point cloud data for as-built BIM. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, v. 25, n. 11, p. 173-192, Mar. 2020. DOI:

BENARAB, Djamel-Eddine; DERINGENT, William; BRIE, David; BOMBARDIER, André Thomas. All-automatic 3D BIM modeling of existing buildings. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRODUCT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT, 15., 2018, Turin. Proceedings […]. Turin: Springer, 2018, p. 56-68.

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BOSCHÉ, Frédéric; AHMED, Mahmoud; TURKAN, Yelda; HAAS, Carl T.; HASS, Ralph. The value of integrating Scan-to-BIM and Scan-vs-BIM techniques for construction monitoring using laser scanning and BIM: The case of cylindrical MEP components. Automation in Construction, v. 49, Part B, p. 201-213, Jan. 2015. DOI:

CEMBRANOS, Javier Román; LLAMAS, Jose; LERONES, Pedro; GÓMEZ-GARCIA-BERMEJO, Jaime. ZALAMA, Eduardo; MARINOS, Ioannides. Supporting the automatic extraction of HBIM elements from point clouds. In: EURO-MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE, 7., 2018, Nicósia. Proceedings […]. Nicosia: Springer, 2018. p. 3-10. DOI:

CHIABRANDO, F.; LO TURCO, M.; RINAUDO, F. Modeling the decay in an HBIM starting from 3D point clouds. A followed approach for cultural heritage knowledge. In: THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, 42.; INTERNATIONAL CIPA SYMPOSIUM – DIGITAL WORKFLOWS FOR HERITAGE CONSERVATION, 26., 2017. Ottawa. Proceedings […]. Ottawa: Copernicus Publications, 2017, p. 605-612. DOI:

CHIABRANDO, F.; SAMMARTANO, G.; SPANÒ, A. Historical buildings models and their handling via 3D survey: from points clouds to user-oriented HBIM. In: THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, 41.; INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING CONGRESS, 23., 2016, Praga. Proceedings […]. Praga: Copernicus, 2016, p. 633–640. DOI:

COSTANTINO, D.; PEPE, M.; RESTUCCIA, A. G. Scan-to-HBIM for conservation and preservation of Cultural Heritage building: the case study of San Nicola in Montedoro church (Italy). Applied Geomatics, p. 1-15, Jan. 2021. DOI:

DIARA, F.; RINAUDO, F. From reality to parametric models of cultural assets for HBIM. In: THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, 42.; CIPA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM - DOCUMENTING THE PAST FOR A BETTER FUTURE, 27., 2019. Ávila. Proceedings [...]. Ávila: Copernicus, 2019, p. 413-419. DOI:

DORE, C.; MURPHY, M. Semi-automatic generation of as-built BIM façade geometry from laser and image data. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, v. 19, p. 20-46, Jan. 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 out. 2022.

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FABBRI, S.; SILVA, C.; HERNANDES, E.; OCTAVIANO, F.; DI THOMMAZO, A.; BELGAMO, A. Improvements in the StArt tool to better support the systematic review process. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 21., 2016, Limerick. Proceedings [...]. Limerick: EASE, 2016. p. 1-5. DOI:

FACUNDO LÓPEZ, José; MARTÍN-LERONES, Pedro; LLAMAS, José; GÓMEZ-GARCÍA-BERMEJO, Jaime; ZALAMA, Eduardo. A review of heritage building information modeling (H-BIM). Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, v. 2, n. 2, 21, May 2018. DOI:

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GROETELAARS, N. J. Criação de modelos BIM a partir de "nuvens de pontos": estudo de métodos e técnicas para documentação arquitetônica. 2015. 372 f. Tese (Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Faculdade de Arquitetura, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em 20 out. 2022.

HAJIAN, H.; BECERIK-GERBER B. Scan to BIM: factors affecting operational and computational errors and productivity loss. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION, 27., 2010, Bratislava. Proceedings [...]. Bratislava, 2010, p. 265–272. DOI:

KWADJO, Danielle Tchuinkou; TCHINDA, Erman Nghonda; BOBDA, Cristophe; MENADJOU, Nareph; FOTSING, Cedrique; NZIENGAM. From PC2BIM: Automatic Model generation from Indoor Point Cloud. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED SMART CAMERAS, 13., Trento. Proceedings […]. Trento: University of Trento, 2019, p. 1-6. DOI:

MACHER, H.; LANDES, T.; GRUSSENMEYER, P. From point clouds to building information models: 3D semi-automatic reconstruction of indoors of existing buildings. Applied Sciences, v. 7, n. 10, 1030, Oct. 2017. DOI:

MASSAFRA, Angelo; PRATI, Davide; PREDARI, Giorgia; GULLI, Riccardo. Wooden truss analysis, preservation strategies, and digital documentation through parametric 3D modeling and HBIM workflow. Sustainability, v. 12, n. 12, 4975, June 2020. DOI:

PREVITALI, M.; BANFI, F. Towards the Definition of Workflows for Automation in HBIM Generation. In: EURO-MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE DIGITAL HERITAGE. PROGRESS IN CULTURAL HERITAGE, 7., 2018, Nicosia. Proceedings […]. Nicosia: Springer, 2018. p. 52-63. DOI:

QIN, Guocheng; ZHOU, Yin; HU, Kaixin; HAN, Daguan; YING, Chunli. Automated Reconstruction of Parametric BIM for Bridge Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data. Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2021, Special issue, p. 1-17, Jan. 2021. DOI:

ROCHA, Gustavo; MATEUS, Luís; FERNÁNDEZ, Jorge; FERREIRA, Victor. A scan-to-BIM methodology applied to heritage buildings. Heritage, v. 3, n. 1, p. 47-67, Feb. 2020. DOI:

ROLIN, Raphael; ANTALUCA, Eduard; BATOZ, Jean-Louis; LAMARQUE, Fabien; LEJEUNE, Mathieu. From point cloud data to structural analysis through a geometrical hBIM-oriented model. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, v. 12, n. 2, p. 1-26, May 2019. DOI:

SADEGHINEKO, F.; KUMAR, B. Development of Semantically Rich 3D Retrofit Models. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, v. 34, n. 6, Nov. 2020. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000919.

SOILÁN, Mario; JUSTO, Andrés; SÁNCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Ana; RIVEIRO, Belén. 3D Point Cloud to BIM: Semi-Automated Framework to Define IFC Alignment Entities from MLS-Acquired LiDAR Data of Highway Roads. Remote Sensing, v. 12, n. 14, July 2020. DOI:

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TANG, Pingbo; HUBER, Daniel; AKINCI, Burcu; LIPMAN, Robert; LYTLE, Alan. Automatic reconstruction of as-built building information models from laser-scanned point clouds: A review of related techniques. Automation in construction, v. 19, n. 7, p. 829-843, Nov. 2010. DOI:

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