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ABNT NBR 10520:2023 07/19/2023 Changes

Authors of submissions to PARC must observe the following changes in the way they cite references according to ABNT NBR 10520:2023 07/19/2023

1-Indication of individual authorship, within parentheses, must be in upper and lower case letters.


(Silva, 2021, p. 35)

(Santos; Machado; Almeida, 2022)

2-Indication of legal authorship, within parentheses, must be made using the acronym or full name, in upper and lower case letters. It is recommended that acronyms be written in capital letters or in the most frequently adopted form.


(UNICAMP, 2022)

(USFCar, 2023)

(United Nations, 2020, p. 15)

3-The indication of governmental authorship, within parentheses, must be made by the jurisdiction or name of the superior body, in upper and lower case letters.


(Paraná, 2020)

(Central Bank of Brazil, 2023)

4-Indication of authorship of a citation with four or more authors can be reduced in the text with the expression et al. Even if the reference lists all authors. Consequently, the citation of references with three authors must include all authors.

-------------- translated excerpt from the standard--------------------------------------

6.2 For citations from sources with four or more authors, the first author may be cited followed by the expression et al., although the reference contains all authors. Whatever resource is used, it must be uniform in all citations in the document.

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(Albuquerque et al., 2021)


(Albuquerque; Medeiro; Santos; Dias, 2021)

5-The period must be used to end the sentence and not the quote.

6-More assertive explanation about CITATION QUOTE:

7-Differentiation for citations of authors with the same surname and publication date AND citations of documents by the same author and from the same year of publication:

--------------translated excerpt from the standard--------------------------------------

6.1.5 For authors with the same surname and publication date, the initials of their surnames must be added. If the coincidence persists, the first names are written in full.


(Barbosa, C., 1958)

(Barbosa, O., 1958)


(Barbosa, Cássio, 1965)

(Barbosa, Celso, 1965)

6.1.5 Citations from different documents by the same author, published in the same year, must be distinguished by the addition of lowercase letters, in alphabetical order, after the date and without spacing, according to the list of references.


According to Resende (1927a)

Resende (1927b)

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8-A List of Abbreviations has been added.

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