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Effects of the shading in the performance of an insulated envelope building in the ZB 2
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Sombreamento do entorno. Eficiência energética. Isolamento térmico. RTQ-R. Conforto térmico.

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PEREIRA, Silvia Ruzicki; DUARTE, Carolina Mesquita; CUNHA, Eduardo Grala da; KREBS, Lisandra Fachinello; LEITZKE, Rodrigo Karini; SILVA, Antonio César Silveira Baptista da; BENINCÁ, Letiane. Effects of the shading in the performance of an insulated envelope building in the ZB 2. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 7, n. 3, p. 145–159, 2016. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v7i3.8647327. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


It is known that the height of the buildings, the distance between the buildings and the width of the streets, have an influence on the solar radiation absorption and buildings shading and it also affects the consumption of the buildings. Furthermore, this study aims to evaluate the surrounds shading in a very insulated building, located in the Brazilian bioclimatic zone 2. The used method is characterized by computational simulation divided into five steps: definition of the research hypothesis; analysis of the energy efficiency level considering the RTQ-R regulation; surroundings modeling and shading tracking analysis; simulation of the energy performance of the building; simulation of the thermal performance of the building; and result from analysis. Eight different possibilities of the surround configurations were simulated. The model that presented the lower consumption was the building with 6 floors surroundings, with the consumption about 26,44 kWh/m².year and with thermal comfort index about 97,72%. Hence, it was possible to observe the building shading of an insulated building even during the winter period, since that does not influence the roof, it generates a better thermal energy performance of the envelope.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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