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Simplified methodology for evaluating the potential wind energy in urban centers
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Renewable energies. Wind Energy. Urban planning. Energy planning.

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SILVA, Leandro Mendes da; ABREU-HARBICH, Loyde Vieira de. Simplified methodology for evaluating the potential wind energy in urban centers. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 1, p. 46–58, 2017. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v8i1.8648501. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


With urban growth, electricity and heat production may not be enough to meet new demands. The urban form can promote possibilities of alternative energy generation in the cities. This work verifies the potential of wind energy use in cities from a simplified methodology that involves qualitative analyses of the urban form and quantitative meteorological data for Goiania. The method is characterized by the following steps: a) Selection of the study area; b) Development of a thematic map where each zone is established from the similarity patterns of the topography, height of the buildings, presence of vegetation, type of use and occupation; c) Analysis of the wind energy potential for each zone, according to NBR 6123; d) Development of urban design guidelines that promote the installation of wind turbines in buildings in some areas of the city. Nine zones were identified, within which those with high occupancy density presented the great potential for wind energy during August to October, which are the months with higher energy demand for acclimatization of indoor environments. It suggests that the implementation of buildings with more than 40 floors in areas with low density can improve the capacity of micro generation of wind power in cities. Urban guidelines that aim at energy efficiency and, especially, urban sustainability, depend on the evaluation of multiple criteria.
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