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Evaluation of methods for measuring driving rain on buildings facades
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Exposure conditions. Driving rain. Moisture. Degradation.

How to Cite

ZANONI, Vanda Alice Garcia; SANCHEZ, José Manoel Morales; BAUER, Elton. Evaluation of methods for measuring driving rain on buildings facades. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 9, n. 2, p. 122–132, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v9i2.8650260. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.


Directed rain is one of the primary sources of humidity in building façades, triggering degradation mechanisms involving wetting and drying processes, hygrothermal variations and leakage of constituents. There are several methods of quantification of directed rain to calculate the intensity of water that is projected on the facade. These methods allow evaluating the exposure conditions that affect the durability and useful life of the buildings, as well as the intensity of the action of this phenomenon. The ISO 15927-3: 2009 and ASHRAE Standard 160: 2009 international standards are examples of reference documents that provide procedures and criteria for estimating the amount of directed rainfall projected on the vertical surface in each façade orientation. In the national scenario, Brazilian standards do not present criteria, models or calculation methods for the quantification of directed rainfall. This article presents methods and models, identified through a literature review, aiming to fill the gap in the Brazilian context. The focus of this article is the evaluation of the primary methods selected for the quantification of directed rain on the façade, based on descriptive and analytical studies that allowed the comparison between them. The results show that the semi-empirical methods evaluated result in different amounts of directed rain since the methods adopt different parameters for the coefficients that portray the conditions of exposure of the building and its insertion in the urban context.
PDF (Português (Brasil))



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