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Towards a BIM-based digital interface in cut and bent rebar design-fabrication
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BIM. Cut and bent rebar. Digital fabrication. Prefabrication. Industrial automation

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MACIEL, Alex Roda; CORRÊA, Fabiano Rogerio; BARROS, Mércia Bottura de. Towards a BIM-based digital interface in cut and bent rebar design-fabrication. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 9, n. 3, p. 246–258, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v9i3.8650863. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.


Industrial production – the automatic cutting and bending – of rebar for reinforced concrete structures represents an improvement when compared to the traditional production method, wherein reinforcing bars were processed at the construction site. Nevertheless, the efficiency of this process requires synergy among supply chain stakeholders. Problems related to the poor reliability of rebar's detailing drawings and orders affect the industrialized process efficiency. The design information is usually provided through paper-based documents and must be transcribed manually by the manufacturer before fabrication. Notwithstanding, some solutions that enable digital exchange and data reuse of the reinforcement by the fabricator are available. Besides, it is considered that BIM potentially contributes to mitigating problems related to the design quality. In this paper, the digital design-fabrication interface of cut and bent rebar is analyzed, alongside with the use of the BIM in the reinforcing detailing. Through a survey with rebar's fabricators and BIM software providers, the main standards used in the rebar data exchange and the BIM authoring tools that support this feature were identified. It was found that despite the rebar cutting and bending equipment, production planning management systems and BIM tools already support the rebar digital fabrication, this practice is still not established by the Brazilian market leading to the occurrence of automation islands linked by manual data transfer.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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