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The elderly and the caregiver
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Inclusive design
Walking stick.

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RODRIGUES, Yago Weschenfelder; DIAS, Luís Nuno Coelho; VELOSO, Ana Isabel Barreto Furtado Franco de Albuquerque; SOUZA, Fábio Feltrin de. The elderly and the caregiver: an analysis of the domestic environmental satisfaction. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 10, p. e019024, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v10i0.8651890. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.


In the last decades, the elderly population has significantly increased in the world, especially in the European continent, bringing to sight a set of problems regarding this population, in particular to the ones with restriction of movement. The main reason for these problems is the use of poorly designed products and spaces, evidencing the lack of application of the Inclusive Design concept in the domestic environment. In this context, the research aims to understand satisfaction in eight home environments, bringing the point of view of the elderly and their caregivers, figuring out their difficulties and routines. The method adopted was based on a triangulation data analysis from five case studies (ten subjects) in a neighborhood at Aveiro city (Portugal). The case studies were realized in three steps: the first step focused on interviews with the elderly and his/her caregiver; the second step used the emocards tool in each environment, to get a satisfaction analysis; and finally, the third step observed the locomotion and performed a picture record. The results obtained aim to collaborate on understanding, which are the most critical points for the elderly and the caregiver. As a contribution to the architecture and design fields, a list of points of improvement was performed for each room, discussing and proposing changes in order to improve the users’ satisfaction in the domestic context.
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