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Thermal comfort in vernacular architecture produced by Pomeranian descendants in southern Brazil
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Architectural typologies. Computer simulation. Thermal performance. Comfort index.

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TREICHEL, Suzana Zehetmeyer; SILVA, Antonio Cesar Silveira Baptista da; OLIVEIRA, Ana Lúcia Costa de. Thermal comfort in vernacular architecture produced by Pomeranian descendants in southern Brazil. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 10, p. e019003, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v10i0.8652296. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This study aimed to characterize the thermal comfort of the vernacular architecture produced by Pomeranian descendants in southern Brazil, based on in-situ data collection of external and internal characteristics. External characteristics were analyzed for a total of 126 houses. These data were used to carry out a preliminary classification of regional architectural types. Then, 18 houses were selected, from the 126 analyzed previously, for the collection of architectural and construction data, obtaining a final classification of four architectural types, corresponding to different materials and constructive periods. The four selected types are within a 100-year time period (1870 to 1970), and were analyzed regarding thermal comfort. Results showed that the different types did not present high levels of comfort. The solar orientation had little influence on comfort results, and no significant differences were observed between the different types, although houses of type IV presented a slight thermal comfort improvement, when compared to the other architectural types. These few variations of the thermal behavior between the different solar orientations and the different architectural types could be explained by the high thermal capacity of the walls and the small window-to-wall opening area that the houses present, maintaining internal temperatures with a less variation, in comparison to the outdoor environment. Through this work, it was possible to address the complex interaction between climate, culture, and technology in the studied dwellings.
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