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Local wishes map as a tool for promoting dialogue and developing healthy cities


Urban planning heathy. Local wishes map. Governance. Social participation. Intersectoriality.

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SPERANDIO, Ana Maria Girotti; MALEK-ZADEH, Murilo Urssi; ARÊAS, João Luiz de Souza; FRANCISCO FILHO, Lauro Luiz. Local wishes map as a tool for promoting dialogue and developing healthy cities. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 10, p. e019002, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v10i0.8652312. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


The healthy cities development requires intersectoral governance. However, at cities at low resource condition, there are many barriers to achieve this goal. Therefore, it was developed a low-cost investigative procedure with the potential to systematize sectoral wishes. This procedure covers two steps. These steps can be applied in different groups and after compare results. The first one is a conversation guided by a list of question-related to how individuals understand: (i) what is a “healthy city”; (ii) what is the relation between urban planning and health promotion; (iii) how intersectoral dialogue can be achieved; (iv) local potentialities and issues, and how collective solutions can be reached. At this phase, the information is gathered to understand how individuals consider a healthy city or health promotion, the relation between urban planning and urban health, how the dialogue between sectors can be achieved, and local issues and how collective solutions can be succeeded. At the second step, individuals represent their wishes through notations or setting icons on the map of the city. This procedure was conducted at Holambra, in 2017. This city’s prefecture asked for assistance in order to Holambra join the Potential Healthy Municipalities Network. The investigated sectors were the government and the urban population. A map of common wishes was created, as well as the maps of sectoral wishes. These maps can be used as a tool for promoting dialoguing and monitoring the process of politics implementation.


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