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Residence in container: comparison of strategies for improving thermal performance
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Container. Thermal performance. Numerical simulation.

How to Cite

VIANA, Françoíse Santana; SOUZA, Henor Artur de; GOMES, Adriano Pinto. Residence in container: comparison of strategies for improving thermal performance. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 10, p. e019011, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v10i0.8652794. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Civil construction is currently facing challenges in building in a more economical and environmentally correct way. In this work, the objective is to know better the non-conventional equipment used for buildings, the container, evaluating its thermal performance. The container is chosen as an object of study because it is a module that can be adapted for different types of climates, land, and buildings. So as in Brazil, its use in construction is recent, an analysis is needed to understand how to adapt it efficiently. In this study, the evaluation of the thermal performance of the container is done through numerical simulation using the Energyplus program, analyzing the impact of the natural ventilation and the thermal mass of the enclosure on the building’s thermal behavior. Considering the climatic conditions for bioclimatic zones 2, 3 and 8, which encompass the Brazilian coast, provided by NBR 15.220-2005, also observing the minimum requirements of Brazilian standard NBR 15.575-2013. For the study, a house with two modules of a container is designed, totalizing an area of 29.57 m2. The results show the need for adaptations of the container to have habitability in all the bioclimatic zones analyzed. The use of thermal insulation in the vertical enclosure, an additional thermally efficient cover, a suitable foundation, and colors with lighter shades on the external enclosure provide better thermal performance to the building, for the analyzed climates.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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