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A BIM tool for energy efficiency simulation in early stages design
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Energy efficiency
Design process

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OLIVEIRA, Fernando Marcio; BITTENCOURT, Leonardo Salazar; DÓRIA, David Rodrigues Silva. A BIM tool for energy efficiency simulation in early stages design. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 11, p. e020003, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v11i0.8653782. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The degree of energy efficiency of buildings depends on decisions taken in the early stages of architectural design. However, energy performance assessment programs require information that is usually defined in the final stages of the project. If the performance is unsatisfactory, a whole rework needs to be undertaken. The objective of this work is to develop a tool to support the designer informing the energy efficiency level of single-family homes in the initial phases of design considering the Technical Quality Regulation for the Energy Efficiency Level of Residential Buildings (RTQ-R), reference Brazilian standard. Consequently, the IDEEA tool was developed using the Design Science methodology, based on the Autodesk Revit BIM modeling tool, with the programming languages Dynamo and Python. Integrating the information stored in the parametric model with the calculation processes. Scripts for model performance calculations collect information, process data, execute equations, and present the results of the energy efficiency of the environments, the envelope and the housing unit (ventilating, heating, and cooling), and the total score. These performances are presented in tables and graphic elements, in a friendly way for reading, analyzing and defining the project's direction. The evaluation of the tool was carried out in the form of a project to verify the accuracy of the results and academic workshop to verify usability. It was observed that the friendly interface enabled assimilation by the volunteers participating in the workshop, suggesting ease of incorporation into the creative process of each designer. Thus, enabling the optimized obtaining of the National Energy Conservation Label, granted under the Brazilian Labeling Program of INMETRO.
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