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Object-based parametric modeling in BIM for structural design
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Object-based parametric modeling
Structural design
Caisson-type foundations

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RIBEIRO, Renan Rocha; CÉSAR JÚNIOR, Kléos Magalhães Lenz. Object-based parametric modeling in BIM for structural design: case study of caisson-type foundations. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 12, n. 00, p. e021029, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v12i00.8653835. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Object-based parametric modeling is a natural and essential paradigm of Building Information Modeling (BIM), enhancing automation and maintaining consistency between model information. Studies of its potential and practical application to structural design are important for disseminating the concept among professionals in this discipline. In the context of structural design, the present work explores object-based parametric modeling in BIM through the case study of caisson-type foundations using the Autodesk Revit platform. The case study outline follows: (i) presentation of concepts and steps of object-based parametric modeling in Revit; (ii) detailing the object-based parametric modeling process of a family of caisson-type foundations; (iii) application of the modeled Family in the context of a real model. The work presents concepts, strategies, and practices for parametric modeling of structural elements and a process map that describes the use of parametric objects in the context of a structural design that takes advantage of object-based parametric modeling in BIM. It was observed that object-based parametric modeling in a BIM environment for structural projects is technically feasible and has advantages and benefits to be explored by professionals in the field. However, the rigid structure of category-level classes in the Revit platform restricts the object-based parametric modeling offered by requiring workarounds.
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