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The 360-degrees photography as a support tool to as built modeling
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360-degrees photography
Immersive photography
As built

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GROSSKOPF, Gabriel George; HERDEN, Yasmin Sarquis; SILVA, Rafael Fernandes Teixeira; MARCHIORI, Fernanda Fernandes. The 360-degrees photography as a support tool to as built modeling. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 10, p. e019021, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v10i0.8653839. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Considering the relevance of ‘as built’ for renovations and maintenance and the rising of new technologies in the 4.0 Industry, the contribution of 360-degrees photography in data survey and information validation stages for ‘as built’ modeling was analysed, comparing this technology to the traditional photography usually adopted. Based on empirical field surveys, two as built of the Fundação Nova Vida renovation process, in Florianópolis (SC), a public building dedicated to social assistance, were modeled in BIM software. With pre-renovation and post-renovation as built was possible to compare the two modalities: traditional photographs were taken in the pre-renovation stage, and 360-degrees spherical lens photographs were taken in the post-renovation stage. Parameters such as amount of contained information and size of generated photographic files were considered in the study. The 360-degrees photograph presented more available data and larger coverage area, which reduced the amount of files generated and the size of stored files. It was also verified that the traditional photograph, by not only involving the record itself, but also the decision-making about what to register, demands extra time in field surveying, while the 360-degrees photograph makes a global record. The 360-degrees photograph presented itself as a more effective tool if compared to the traditional photograph, allowing more agility in data verification to BIM modeling.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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