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Impacts of the photovoltaic distributed generation and of the white energy tariff on electricity consumption of the residential sector
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White energy tariff
Distribute generation

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RODRIGUES, Matheus Gomes; CARLO, Joyce Correna. Impacts of the photovoltaic distributed generation and of the white energy tariff on electricity consumption of the residential sector. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 11, p. e020018, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v11i0.8655498. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Since the beginning of this century, there has been an increasing need for energy supply and, consequently, an increase in international environmental concerns. In response to this demand, photovoltaic distributed generation appears as a possibility of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as reducing investment in production, transmission, or distribution. Another form of control related to energy consumption is through management by the demand side, which in Brazil is an option for the residential sector with the new energy tariff, called white energy tariff. However, inserting these strategies and changing the new tariff regime requires investment and planning, which must be carefully analyzed. Computer simulations allow visualizing possible scenarios, facilitating the analysis, and encouraging future planning in this context. This paper assesses the effects of distributed photovoltaic generation and the new tariff regime of residential consumers that adhere to the white energy tariff. We studied housing units located in Bento Gonçalves, São Paulo, and Belém, with or without photovoltaic generation. We showed that only adherence to the white energy tariff generates a cost increase of 12.7%, 17.1%, 23.4% in the respective localities, which highlights, on the one hand, the need to change the typical consumer habits by reducing the use of electricity at peak times. On the other hand, cases with photovoltaic generation were more cost-effective with Conventional Tariff. Nevertheless, we observed Bento Gonçalves, where the difference was not significant. The best option was the white energy tariff because the peak consumption generated by the electric shower was removed by the insertion of a solar water heating installed with the photovoltaic system. In turn, this action led the dwellings to consume the minimum tariff, especially in São Paulo, where costs were equivalent regardless of the chosen tariff regime.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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