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Museum of Tomorrow and articulations of tectonic expression and scenographic condition
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BRAGA, Diogo Ubaldo; CASTRO, Maria Luiza Almeida Cunha de; REZENDE, Marco Antônio Penido de; MELLO, João Luiz van Ham. Museum of Tomorrow and articulations of tectonic expression and scenographic condition. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 11, p. e020012, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v11i0.8655866. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article departs from an analysis of the new global museum architecture, chosen as the research focus due to their underlying symbolic content. The research seeks to confront, adopting a qualitative approach, the concept of "tectonics" to the use of scenography elements in Contemporary museum architecture.  It also incorporates considerations on the use of these Buildings. The idea of tectonics originates from the relationship that the material, constructive, and the tactile dimension of architecture establishes with its plastic expression. This discussion was brought up in the mid-nineteenth, and it has recently reemerged through reflections such as those of Kenneth Frampton and Gevork Hartoonian. Under the light of concepts proposed by these authors, Venturi, Izenour, Brown's criticism of tardo-modern architecture, and considerations about the scenography condition of architecture, the research proposes an investigation about the Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  The purpose is to question whether the mere tectonic expression of the building is capable of exempting it from any intention of spectacle and scenography. Although it is part of a strategy that attempts to create a brand image for the city, the Museum highlights a constructive and structural solution in which the relations of load and support are expressed in coherence with the form. Therefore, it states the possibilities of articulation between tectonic expression and scenography, materiality, and image.

Keywords: Tectonics; Scenography; Architecture; Museum; Globalization.
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