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Thermal, energy and lighting simulation of facades with shading devices in the tropical climate
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Glazed façade
Energy efficiency

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DIAS, Luma de Souza; SOUZA, Henor Artur; GOMES, Adriano Pinto; CAETANO, Lucas Fonseca; CAMARGOS, Bruno Henrique Lourenço; TRIBESS, Arlindo. Thermal, energy and lighting simulation of facades with shading devices in the tropical climate. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 00, p. e023001, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v14i00.8667538. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The use of daylight in buildings is an important design strategy since it minimizes energy consumption with electric lighting and provides greater visual quality for its users. However, this strategy can result in excessive thermal gains and glare, causing thermal discomfort in work environments. In order to seek a combination between visual quality and good thermal, energy and daylight performance, this study analyzes the influence of the type of shading device and type of glazing, applied to a commercial building with a glazed facade, located in regions of tropical climate. The building without the use of shading device is also included in the analysis, as a reference. Computer simulations are performed with Daysim and EnergyPlus softwares considering the building’s west facade. When considering the type of glazing parameter, the models that present the best behavior are those with common glazing. When results between the types of shading devices are compared, it can be seen that models with vertical shading devices have much higher values ​​of solar radiation rate than models with horizontal shading devices, bringing benefits of higher levels of daylight to the environment. The results, considering the number of hours in comfort conditions, indicate that the horizontal shading device model with laminated glazing in green color is the most suitable, since it has the lowest energy consumption and more hours of comfort. It is noteworthy, as contribution of the present work, more suitable models of shading devices are obtained for designing shading devices, applied to glazed facades in tropical climate regions.
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