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Creative spaces for the humanization of pediatric hospitalization
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Hospital architecture
Creative spaces

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SEBBEN, Victória Andreis; TAROUCO, Fabrício Farias; COPETTI, Carmen Lúcia Pinto; TONETTO, Leandro Miletto. Creative spaces for the humanization of pediatric hospitalization. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 00, p. e023014, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v14i00.8669295. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

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Healthcare environments are currently designed based on human factors, as they tend to impact the treatment of patients, accelerating their recovery and reducing the length of their hospitalization. In pediatrics, creative spaces such as playrooms can be considered elements of humanization in hospitals with the potential to benefit the patient’s treatment. However, in Brazil, the concept of humanization of hospital architecture is relatively recent, which brings research opportunities and the possibility to assist in guiding investments in the Public Health System (SUS). This study aimed to understand how to design humanized creative environments in pediatric inpatient units. A systematic literature review of articles published in international peer-review journals was conducted, followed by exploratory research with experts (focus group). The results generated eight design guidelines for humanized hospital creative spaces in pediatric inpatient units. They describe patient needs related to playful and natural environments, comfortable accommodations, spaces to play with animal toys, dynamic and adaptable rooms dedicated to alternative therapies, spaces to use computers, rooms that allow interpersonal contact, a layout that provides well-being and safety, and a comfortable environment. Finally, the guidelines were presented to professional architects, who developed a conceptual project to apply them. The results show the adequacy of the proposed guidelines in designing creative spaces for the humanization of pediatric inpatient units.
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