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Análise do processo de implantação de BIM em empresas de projetos industriais e arquitetônicos em Belo Horizonte


BIM. Modelagem da Informação da Construção. Construção. Projeto industrial. Projeto arquitetônico.

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STEHLING, Miguel Pereira; ARANTES, Eduardo Marques. Análise do processo de implantação de BIM em empresas de projetos industriais e arquitetônicos em Belo Horizonte. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 5, n. 1, p. 35–44, 2014. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v5i1.8634542. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper presents an analysis of the Building Information Modeling implementation process in architectural and industrial design companies in Belo Horizonte. A field research was conducted interviewing professionals from industrial design and architectural design companies. The analysis was based on companies’ characteristics and tools used. Also, it was evaluated how implementation occurred, resulting benefits, challenges faced and designers perception of the process. A diversified BIM tools use was observed in different specialties on industrial design while on architectural design it was observed hegemony of tools. It was observed that the implementation of BIM, in the studied universe, is more developed in industrial design than in architectural design. Industrial design companies are already in the interoperability implementation stage, which is a higher BIM level than in architectural design companies. Architectural design companies are in the effort of leaving the traditional two-dimensional drawings towards parameterized 3D models. It was noted that industrial designers have a higher value perception regarding to parametric issues than architectural designers. Regarding of major reasons for adopting BIM, the perception of value among industrial designers and architectural designers is similar.The perceptions on the barriers to the adoption of BIM are basically antagonic for industrial and architectural designers. The most common way of software learning occurs through tutorials, forums and collaboration between peers. Among the proposed improvements presented by the interviewees it stands out the collaboration in team work and the commitment from the top management.


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