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Psychoanalysis, disquiet of self and human formation
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Psychoanalysis in education

How to Cite

ROSSETTO, Miguel da Silva; SANTOS FILHO, Francisco Carlos dos. Psychoanalysis, disquiet of self and human formation: a reflection about the time and the transience. Pro-Posições, Campinas, SP, v. 33, p. e20200104, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


The essay relates the Freudian notion of transience with precious and fugitive elaborative moments which arise in the analysis sessions. It assumes the thesis that the analysis, by these valuable moments of encounter with the truth, is an exercise of the self on oneself, empowered by the kairós, proposed by Foucault in the Hermeneutics of the Subject. The author seeks in Greco-Roman antiquity the notion of disquiet of self, a constitutive ethical process of oneself that occurs in the relationship "between two", master and disciple. In this sense, the analytical encounter is conceived as one of the contemporary expressions of Foucaultian disquiet of self. The available and attentive listening, the beauty of the creations that, in a unique and ephemeral moment, are produced there, are reference to think about the function of the educator and the human formation.

REMOTO (Português (Brasil))


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